My 1st gro

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by smurf420, Mar 16, 2009.

  1. smurf420

    smurf420 Ganja Connoisseur

    Hi im new to this i registered a while ago just been browsing around the site. I have pretty good knowledge about growing ive been reading up on it for about 4 years this is the 1st real attempt for an outdoor patch. My spot is deep in the woods on a small piece of ground thats next to a small creek/swamp, u could prolly jus call it marsh land tbh lol. Im not too worried about them gettin over watered but theres always the possibility becuz in florida there is damn hurricanes. right now i have about 10-15 planted in the actual ground and 5 in pots that im going to transplant in a different location further away from the creek/swamp once they start to fill thier pots incase that spot gets flooded somehow. I will be updating this thread with updates on my plants with pics etc. as long as my plants r still alive. If they do die i can just try again i have plenty bagseed to grow outdoors untill i get my ownplace then i can grow indoors with good seed.:icon_confused:
  2. smurf420

    smurf420 Ganja Connoisseur

    BOTH SPOTS HAVE GOOD CANOPY FOR LIGHT TO COME DOWN ALL DAY.(but i dont think i need to worry bout them bein seen my choppers)

    Heres the spot my plants are now, u can see the pots next to the bakpak all seeds r planted probaly withen 5-10ft of it. (the swamp/creek is behind me)


    This is the spot i was thinking about transplanting the ones in the pots to thats mayb 50 yrds from the creek/swamp

  3. Zeppelin

    Zeppelin In The Hills And Far Away

    Be careful with Gorrilla growing!! Always make sure you never park your car close or let anyone see you going or coming in!! You might have a better sucess rate if you were to dig a big hole and use some pro mix!! You could use a 5 Gal bucket and put that into the ground!! Only because you might not get the nutrients it needs in that location!! it looks like it has alot of growth which means it's probably wet there alot!!!:smokin:
  4. smurf420

    smurf420 Ganja Connoisseur

    im not worried about my car cuz i dont have one lol my spot is a good 10min walk threw dense woods and its 10mins if u kno ur way so i think im good im not worried about it. I could easily sneak lots of soil there at night without being seen.

    i wish i could get some good mix n 5 gal buckets n what not but this is pretty much a very low budget grow right now becuase i have no job.

    btw i made mistake of putting seedlings in pots in miricalgrow soil so i think its gonna b too toxic for them to survive, im thinkin that i need to transplant into the ground then flush the nutrients out of the mirical gro soil until they get bigger. what do u think lol?

    i also have a question about protecting my plants from deer n other animals munchin on my crop......a fawn was spyin on me when i was planting my babies and i had to scare it away and i walked threw the woods and found it again and i scared it away further cuz i dont want it fuckin with my plants lol. But i was wondering what kind of barrier or somethin i can put around trees that cannnot b seen. right now i have a small fishing line barrier that wont do much i have to put more around it next trip bak becuz i ran out of fishing line i had with me. Does anyone suggest anything else i can use to deter animals from my plants.

    (done some reading now and im gonna put dryer sheets and a bar of soap into a bucket then camoflauge it and put somewhere by my patch to keep deer away. if you have any other suggestions as to what i should put into the bucket to keep anything away that could harm my plants please feel free to give me advice.)
  5. nuggnester

    nuggnester Pot & Poker Enthusiast

    Good Luck

    10 minutes is a bit too short, good chance theywill be seen by really think that for 3 months nobody is gonna walk through that spot? You know better than I. It looks nice and peaceful there!
  6. smurf420

    smurf420 Ganja Connoisseur

    Im pretty sure im fine on the security of my patch its hard to get to u have to go threw alot of brush to get there im pretty sure no one else goes bak there the only trails are from deer and it is very peacefull here! I was there for a good 2-3 hrs this morning setting up my spot, i think its gonna b good for the plants to grow here im excited to see how it works out for me, thanks for the luck:smile:
  7. Dank Vapor

    Dank Vapor Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    'Mark' the territory maybe. A few pisses on some surrounding trees, leave some fabric with your body odor, etc. Speak their language. Let them know, this is your area.
  8. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    Chicken Wire Cages

    Making cages to keep animals away from plants

    It's hard to explain without pictures, I took some time to put together a tutorial on how I do them.

    All you really need is a roll of chicken wire, a pair of wire cutters, a tape measure, a rock and some green stakes for securing them.


    What I do first is roll out 30 inches of wire and secure it, and cut through it all the way across. I use a 2ft roll as it is easiest to control. You can use a 4 ft roll, but it is bulky. Depending on the area that you live in, your cages may be up to 4 feet in heighth, depending on food availability. If you use four foot or taller cages you should cut the wire at 40 inches to have a wider base.


    Next, you will want to let the wire go into a circle and turn the cut ends of the wire to fasten them together. Notice how the cut ends cross each other and are easy to twist together.


    This is what it will look like.


    Because I want only 12 inch screens I will cut this in half. It could be left as it is if you have taller plants and need a 2 foot screen.


    You now have a screen with a smooth edge and an end that has been cut. You want to put the smooth end down on the ground. Take notice of where I bend outward, sections of the bottom so I have a place to put stakes through to hold the screen in place.


    You can now put your plant into the ground, put the screen over it and push the sticks through the tabs you made to hold the screen into place. I usually use 4 sticks and put them through at an angle. If you were using a 4 foot screen, you would want at least six holding the base in place.


    The last step is to close the top of the screen and make sure the cut pieces of wire are pointing upward. This will prick the noses of deer and other animals that get curious and decide to sample the taste of the plants. This is why we put the "factory" edge down and the "cut" end up.


    Deer do not see well, but they have good memories. They will get pricked, but they will remember and leave them alone. They may stomp them in anger at times, but most times you can just straighten the screens and they will continue to grow into nice plants. When the plant starts getting to tall, you will have to return and open the screen to let the plant out. By this time there is usually enough native food in my area that they will leave your plants alone.

    I know you said you were trying ot do a cheap grow, without investing any money, but I wouldnt skimp on the cages. They are a must to ensure your small seedlings will make it! Once the plants start to mature they will start to create turpines, and put off a nice little skunky smell.. Animals dont like this smell or taste, so they tend to leave them alone after a couple months of growth.

    A alternative to wire is plastic netting, usually sold as deer netting or bird netting. Netting will not bear its own weight, so it will need to be attached securly to something. It will also need to be fairly taunt to be effective, this will also reduce the chances a deer will become snagged in it, and destroy it. Keep in mind this netting is light duty, and could become snagged in a Deers antlers, destroying it.

    Good luck!

  9. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    I wouldnt recommend putting soap around your plants b/c it can attract rats. They eat the fat out of the soap, and these little guys can sometimes fit in the small holes of the chicken wire. So they are one critter you dont want coming around:icon_confused:

  10. WiZaRD

    WiZaRD Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    a ten minute walk could be up to .8 miles, especially at the rate you walk through thick brush.

    I'd suggest getting a map of the area, and mapping out 6 different routes. I'd also suggest finding all possible housing locations where someone might see you. Then, I'd do some asking around about "hunting" and find out if anyone hunts out there. I used to live ALMOST in FL, and believe me, MANY people hunt illegally.

    I'd also suggest, digging nice size holes and filling them with very rich soil, and plenty of high Phosphorous and Potasium nutes at the very bottom of that hole. This way you don't have to check on them/feed them so often.

    Another thing, I would also set up small "booby traps", that are not intended to injure. Make them along the 6+ paths you map out, so that if someone were to walk through that area, it would show you. There are all kinds of ways to do this. (Do you have any experience with tracking?)

    I have a friend who grows 8 outdoor every season. He has a 'game camera' that is motion activated.[like what you use for deer]. He can take his laptop out to his spot, and review the footage. I thought that was very smart. The first two times he did it, he did not have this camera, he bought it after all the $ he made. He also takes his dog, gun, and full camo with him when he goes. He has the orange covers you're supposed to use in a backpack, just in case. If you sit and meditate, and really let your minds eye open up, you can assess almost any potential problem that might arise. There is always the element of sheer chance though; but, you can eliminate the possibility for dumb chance with careful planning.

    I had a spot that was 1.5 miles from my parents house I used to live at 2+ years ago. I used to ride my 4-wheeler all OVER the place way before I planted. So it wasn't anything new to see me out there. I even asked permission from a guy who owned land that I had to drive through to get back out into the woods if it was O.K. I ride through there. I'd leave my 4-wheeler at random spots, JOG through the woods, check on my shit, and leave. I tried to do it just after sunset where there was hardly any light out, and used an L.E.D. flashlight I have a covered box on the back of my 4-wheeler where I had pre-mixed nutes.
  11. smurf420

    smurf420 Ganja Connoisseur

    I just got bak from my patch i brought bak another fishing real and made a taller wall of fishing line barrier and i put the bar of soap and dryer sheets in a black bucket and put in in some bushes like 20 ft from my patch

    Thanks for your suggestions i will defently invest in something to protect my little plants.

    btw those pictures are not working for me i just see a small red "x" inside a white box.
  12. smurf420

    smurf420 Ganja Connoisseur

    i live at my parents house right now but i plan on getting the hell out of here withen a few years and getting my own place.
    My spot is in woods that is probaly 2-3 sqaure miles of forest and its surrouned by 3 neighborhoods that have very dense brush behind the houses that ppl have to go threw to get to my spot. im sure i can rig something that shows if ppl have been going back there right now it looks like just animals showing signs of life back there thank you for the advice about monitouring my area.(the game cam is very good idea i might b able to get one somehow with my budget would b worth it after i got set on nutes and a few other things)
  13. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    I reformatted the pictures. How's that? Can you see them now?

  14. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    leave a 6pack and a rolled up blunt layin around near there, thats for sure guna let you know if people come by there, lol
  15. smurf420

    smurf420 Ganja Connoisseur

    yea thanks i can see them now that helps alot im gonna try to figure out something i can do like that with my budget.
  16. smurf420

    smurf420 Ganja Connoisseur

    I just made this small germination chamber thing in my drawer. i believe this will increase thier chances of survival outdoors if i let them get about 3-4in tall in here under the fluros 1st.(i can do 10-15 plants in here with very small pots untill they get 5in. max then i need to move outdoors.)


    i also have a question: should i do 24/0 light to veg them to about 5in. tall before i move them outside?
  17. smurf420

    smurf420 Ganja Connoisseur

    checked on my outdoor patch today and..... bunch of shit fucked over by something (not human) something ate the shit outta some of my seedlings! could be rabbits, deer....idk. I saw that a string of fishing line that i used for a barrier around the patch was snapped by something. most likely a deer getting into my patch to eat my seedlings.

    I moved around 10 seedlings in small pots into a elevated spot on a fallen down tree so that maybe what ever the fuck keeps munching on them will stop. I realy should get some wire fencing for them but i cant right now, no big deal just bagseed from mids and headies(i never find seeds n the good bud i get).

    A good number of seedlings always get ate sadly lol. Im thinking about moving them closer to the brush behind houses(not too close) becuase deer wont come around as much and the plants will be very hard to get to in dense brush im not worried about any people finding them there. i will update with pics later on.
  18. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    Chicken wire's great for critter's, but sort of noticable if someone were to walk thru there.

    As was already mentioned; I would definitely urinate around the perimeter, every time out there.

    BTW: good idea, Chris. Leave a case of Old Bohemian or Red White and Blue! Remember those? I'm pretty sure they were(are?)local beer's. In HS, we bought RW&B, 'cause it was dirt cheap!
  19. canadian123

    canadian123 hemp ninja

    100% false deer have very keen eye sight and they also do not have memories they have instincts they have patterns and they notice change.....if they had memories they would remember when hunting season is and not move until its completely dark but the venison steak I had for dinner says other wise:thumbsup: .

    hope you get the pest problem under control there is a spray you can spray around your plants called skoot it works good.
  20. bLITzkRIEg420

    bLITzkRIEg420 sHAPesHIFTinG rEPTiLiAN

    Growing outdoors to me is like rolling the dice! With deer, bugs, weather, people, choppers, having to water and a million other things to worry about it is just not something I would do. The beauty of it is the harvest of an outdoor grow. Nobody here on GK grows like Mother Nature...

    p.s. smurf,

    I'm from Palm Bay! Lived there a very long time. Went to Palm Bay High


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