Jus wondering now is about the rite time for the plants to go outside im on east coast.. already got around 8 that are 5-7 inches jus wondering if i should let em get a little bigger or put them out now.
You can afford to wait a little while to get them bigger. Larger plants have a greater chance of surviving a transplant outside. Some way there is a magical date (like June 1st), but I think you should read up on the weather patterns in your area. You can look them up online. Farmers use a schedule to know when to plant/harvest/etc. Here's a link to get you started: http://www.almanac.com/weather/index.php
Sooo true Indi....... Last yr my father planted some outside and then there was 2 weeks of rain........the downpour kind!! They could not handle the hard rain and wind! I felt bad and at the same time was like cmon dad!!!! What were you thinking??? Now look....you killed the babies He now will not transplant till they are bigger.......he learned to have patience and wait! Only problem is now he is addicted to "miricle grow" Once his buddy turned him onto to using that well.......
Indi, my brothers and I have been tellin him this for yrs!!! He swears by it!! Ok....yah his plants look like bushes and are HUGE but his mj is ewwwwwwwwww!!!! Take a toke and you think your coughing up a lung!! Funny is when we share ours with him.....2 tokes and he is so stoned off his azz!! Ahhhhh well we tried but I think only miricle grow anonoymus & intervention is the answer!!