Remote, On-site, Irrigation

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by Ognennyy, May 27, 2009.

  1. Ognennyy

    Ognennyy Begun Flowering

    Reading through forums and such I've recently come across a series of documentaries entitled "Prohibition". The documentaries are about that exactly which I aspire to become; a guerrilla grower. The man is called Brown Dirt Warrior. For anyone who's never heard of him or seen his documentary, the first episode of his series can be found here

    Throughout his series you see several water lines, run from natural sources. In one scene you see him using the line like a hose. In some other scenes you see that he has built a reservoir, or cistern of sorts. And in some places I've read about creating a "leaky pipe".

    I suppose I am simply a bit confused on the purpose of these various irrigation systems. The outdoor grow show & tell post in this section seems to lack an irrigation system. It looks like Brown Dirt Warrior is running some 800 ft. of water line to create a reservoir for himself next to his plants, but is still manually watering.

    Lol... why in God's name would you go to all that trouble to create a system where your presence is still required? Why not just use some type of soaker hose so you don't have to go out there all the time? Or does he just place his reservoir close to, but up hill of, his plants, and put a hole in the bottom so the water will difuse into the soil and flow down hill to his plants?

    I've searched high and low for a solution to watering, because the site I'm considering is nearly a five mile round trip. While I don't mind the walk, I don't have time to work, run five miles, then walk five miles to water, every day.

    Getting water from a stream to my plants is not an issue. I'm comfortable enough with plumbing that I can plumb a system and hide it well. My question is, what do I do with it once I get it there? Is there not some way I can make it so I don't have to walk out, and they can be watered automatically?
  2. budbox

    budbox workin things out


    what u do is find a natural watersource nearby and tapp into that if u cant find one u can make one simply by digging a hole/ trench and send the tubes downhill till u reach the plants then just plug the end and poke sum holes in the tubing near ur plants and vola u got a self sufficent irrigation system. if that wasnt clear enough 4 u then watch the show marijuana nation i think it was on cbs but im shure u can youtube it. hope i could help
  3. Ognennyy

    Ognennyy Begun Flowering

    Ok yeah that makes sense brother. Now to be more specific about my concern, it's a question of how much water/day or water/week should I be giving them?

    Let's say that for example the answer was a simple "1 gallon per day". Then I'd go out and set it up, run my hose from the source to the plants, poke some holes, then time it. I'd put the end of the tube in an empty gallon milk jug, and let it run for 60 minutes. Then I'd eye it and guess if I thought there was 1/24th of a gallon in the jug.

    But I don't know how much water they should get. I don't want to drown the poor babies ya know. Naturally they will require more water the bigger they get, and so I assume I'll have to poke an extra hole or two after a couple months of growth.

    But how much water should I be trying to give my plants in the first month, or couple months?
  4. blah blah boy

    blah blah boy Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    That kind of system you want would have to be perfected, and tweeked.

    If started you would have check daily to see if it is enough water to each plant. Then fined tuned until just right. Then document it so it would be :smile: shared :wink: and used the following yrs.

    all MO

    Good luck
  5. SWED420

    SWED420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    haha wheres chris for this one..?i think he put it in a reservoir because that much water i think constantly would jus kill them , my question was when he out the bags in the ground did he not poke holes? he;s suppose to come out with a way more detailed one..anyways u can get polymers that u mix with soil that hold water, but other wise it depends how big ur pot /hole is did u have clones or seedlings? also he got busted cus thats so noticeable and even if it was painted or underground it would still have to be in the open when u attachd it to the water source.. whowouldnt have seen his bucket with a white hose comming out of it.
  6. Ognennyy

    Ognennyy Begun Flowering

    I'm not concerned with stealthiness and disguising the system. I have access to contractor's tools which would include a trench digger. Every inch of water line I have will be buried. As far as hiding the pipe at the river, nothing some green/brown/black oil-based paint on a sanded/roughed up PVC pipe can't take care of. I can make the system undetectable, unless someone knows exactly what/where they're looking for in which case I think I'd already have problems anyway.

    So if I put in a reservoir, I basically have to go out there and hook up the water, come back the next day or so and disconnect it when the reservoir's full.... This defeats the entire purpose.

    What I want is a system whereby the stream is basically directly watering my plants for me. The water will keep the reservoir full, and flow straight through the reservoir (or entirely bypass the reservoir) anytime it's full. The only time the water from the stream will hit the reservoir is if/when the stream dries up from lack of rain. How will I accomplish this?

    Well... what does the described sytem remind anyone of? It reminds me of a toilet's tank. When you flush your toilet it doesn't use water straight from the supply line on the initial flush, it uses the tank. Then it only uses a little bit of the supply water to fill the bowl back up, then fills the tank back up. it accomplishes this through the use of a float.

    If anyone else has successfully implemented a system that uses a float-based valve in their reservoir please let me know. Otherwise I'll post will full pictures and documentation after I've implemented it.

    Lol what a pain in the ass this will be... Oh well will be worth it. Knowing my luck I will get this set up, and the stream will never even dry up. Haha aint life grand.

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