what's the best way to smoke that really wet, nasty resin? the **** is so gross, but i have a ****-load of it...
Sell it to some kids as prime black Turkish hash, then take the money and buy a quarter oz. of primo bud with it!
..your Avatar's kicked the bucket Misty, dug himself a hole-ful, of Afghani black ....Matt, were did the **** come from (not literally)...? did you make it yourself....? if not....: unscrupulous bastards, in this moneygrabbin' world, have been known to mix the real McCoy, with, deisel oil,wax,soap-oil,polythene, an' stax of other unmentionables, so if you've made it yourself, you've fucked up, try freezin' the goo ....
If I have weed to smoke, I slap the wet res on a fresh rolling paper and let it air dry till I need it. If I dont have weed, I wipe it on a fat roach and bong that bad boy. Terribly stoney
toothpaste? i want to see what your teeth turn out looking like the next morning..... completely rotted away i bet
What do you mean you can't live without it? I have lived without it since the first couple years I was smoking. That is to say if we're talking about resin scraped out of a pipe/bong.