mums xmas present

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by mistical, Dec 19, 2003.

  1. mistical

    mistical Blazed and Confused

    just a little stuck this year,any suggestions peeps ? been there with the perfume thing,also clothing that never fits ,stuff for the home ,cash,shoes,a puppy,?[​IMG]?[​IMG] all replys welcome, ps mum is 50 years young ...........................SAFENESS.........
  2. mistical

    mistical Blazed and Confused

    **** wrong stoned :dickhead:
  3. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    #Moderation Mode

    Puppies?....I have some puppies for ya. ;)

    Moved here
  4. newfie

    newfie Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    If your mums anything like my mom, wine glasses are always a good idea. And wine for them. Alcohol, the gift that keeps on giving.
  5. Tiberon

    Tiberon Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    I got my mums a gift certificate to Pier 1. Chicks their age dig that store.
  6. MisSativa

    MisSativa Blazed and Confused

    how about a bird feeder or bird house with a bird watching book and some food
  7. Mrs B

    Mrs B Guest

    Gift certificates are always good. Pets are not a good idea.
  8. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

  9. Lil Toker

    Lil Toker Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Sorry B...

    My own opinion... I cant freakin stand gift certifacates...

    Anyone can do that... It takes a lil more to pick something out...


    Your mom collect anything Misti?

    If so..... add on.

  10. ClayStreet

    ClayStreet Gypsy

    give her a clay avatar!! LOL

    seriously clart.. she like home theatre systems? [​IMG]

    SMOKEYtheBEAR Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    ask her what she needs...thats what i do, ruins the surprise a bit but at least you know your gettin them somthin they like! ;)
  12. doctorcalyx

    doctorcalyx Full Flowering

    how about a dvd burner? moms like to pirate movies? or you could be kind and make a donation to a charity for her if she doesnt really need anything.

    (Edited by doctorcalyx at 6:52 am on Dec. 20, 2003)
  13. mistical

    mistical Blazed and Confused

    hey thanks for the suggestions all i took the bears advice and what does she want a bloodey carpet for her dinning room :shocked: twas that easy ........... typical woman LOL i tried to tempt her with the bird table thing even the home cinema set up even the wine glasses , but no a frekin carpet WTF............. SAFENESS....
  14. mistical

    mistical Blazed and Confused

    bye the way clarts WTF is a gift certificate??? i am a uk resident you knows :wave: we call them gift VOUCHERS here GEES you americans dont half talk a lil weird :lmao: J/k ye ..........safeness

    SMOKEYtheBEAR Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    misti, ure rite mums do ask for some pretty stupid ****, my mum fancies a rotating washing line from me this year :LOL: i told her to shut the **** up and ask for somthing good, she settled for some nice perfume, but ill get her the washing line too! (element of surprise)

    i had to sit & think what gift certificates was also... then realised its them really bad gifts that lazy relatives send u in a card...usually 5quid at W.H.SMITHS! :LOL: safe mist. ;)
  16. streakeruk

    streakeruk Full Flowering

    five quid? 5 Pounds? You lucky git, I had to put money torwards the gift vouchers I got off both sets of Grandparents to buy a Beano.
  17. mistical

    mistical Blazed and Confused

    ye thets up north tho aint it BEANO boy , still basking in the winter sun here even we are wearing bobblehats and gloves ........... SOUTH WARM north cool ..............................................

    SMOKEYtheBEAR Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    :LOL: mistical the beano was da **** dude!!!!!

    ...and when was that streaker 1967!? :LOL: beano was like......10p or summit daft like that wannit!? :ROFL: funny ****...

    streaker is there any snow up north yet? i arrive back home in smoggy ol' manchester hoping for snow and i've been hearing rumours....
  19. Awesome

    Awesome Germinated

    For most women you can do any last minute shopping at Bath and Body works. You just go in there, shut your eyes and spin around, grab something and pay for it. It's the last-minute-thoughtless-gift-store. But a mom, that takes some thinking.

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