I love the clever avatars on GK..also love and lol at the "Don't smoke crack!,Certified "Herbicidal' Mainiac,Kind Smoker" titles under each members name. Who is the creative SOB around here who comes up with these things? Very funny Question: how often do the titles change? Seems like mine "Cultivator" has been the same for a long time...or have I just been stoned too much and thought it was a long time?
oops missativa i think this topic is more for the smokers lounge than beginner lounge but a mod'll move it soon....i think when u have 100posts u can change what it says under your avvy, i typed dont smoke crack cuz i cudnt fink of anything else 2 say!
#Moderation Mode Smokey is right. When you get to 100 posts you may change the context under your avatar from your profile page. Many of the titles you see were thought out by Webby and change at random though. Moved here
Holy Crap MisSative! I remember when you first came and where making your introduction post! Now you're at 87!