Sherlock Holmes

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by Chief Pot, Jul 22, 2003.

  1. Chief Pot

    Chief Pot Developed Alternating Nodes

    I added a steamroller to my collection last night and was looking fro a wooden sherlock pipe, they didnt have any. i want one like in rangers aviator and called theb local smokeshops and they dont cary any, does some one know a good online headshop that may caryy these

    i already checked the link to up above but they didnt have any... any help would be great, i would like to order asap

    also i was thinking i would have a better chance to find in a traditional smokeshop for tabacco and accesories

    (Edited by Chief Pot at 7:35 pm on July 21, 2003)

    DANK FIRE Begun Flowering

    I would try a smoke shope, like Tabacco Depot or some kind of smoke shop in a shopping mall. I've bought a pipe similar to that for a friend once.
  3. elcajon555

    elcajon555 A Fat Sticky Bud

    I am not sure if it is the same, it might be longer, but try searching for hobbit pipes. Peace :animbong:
  4. Waitingfortheson

    Waitingfortheson Full Flowering

    yeah... these assholes know what they are talkin about!

  5. Chief Pot

    Chief Pot Developed Alternating Nodes

    I was really hoping someone would have a good site for me to look at...but thanks anyways guys ill be going to a couple more shops in search of this thing

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