What happened?

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by Administrator, May 28, 2003.

  1. PutTheKnivesOn

    PutTheKnivesOn Superspartaaaaa

    The Clear head came after no need for the Clear Eyes ;)

    Paranoia is funny to look at when your on the other side of the fence.

    Moderation is a good excuse for any addiction, and what is sensible moderation when in relation to weed. Once a day? Once a Week? Once a month? It all depends on your own opinion and how bound to it you are. How many times a day do you think about getting stoned? Ok, off my soapbox, ill go back underground now.:sick:
  2. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    :alien:Y'know somethin'....i usually never go in the Smoker'z Lounge...

    ...it'z been at least 2 monthz since i've been in here....

    ...I feel like I've entered the "HighLight Zone"....i'm totally in Shock:shocked:

    ...so can i be a moderator now...since that position is open...am i right?:cheesy:

    ....all jokin' aside...i'm stayin' Neutral on this one...since I respect all the Moderators and their gardenz....don't go CG

    ...i'd hate 2 see u leave CG...i still got your back bros....:smokin:
  3. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    So you want to go for the record do you fozzy? What is it, like 42 pages! Ive got 42 pages of insults just for your hairy palms herbspanky! and ive got another 42 more for the rest of ya!!!!! Come on bring it on, and i let knives and mystical spit roast every tenth victim!!!!

    lol i love flaming threads!
  4. mistical

    mistical Blazed and Confused

    hey skuzz its nice to know you care about me SHUCKS im,e blushing now........
  5. Mrs B

    Mrs B Guest

    I'm not sure if someone was calling ME a bitch, or if that was referring to someone else's post! That's the fun thing about forums and chat rooms, it's like Who's On First, especially when stoned!
  6. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    :roflmao: @Scuzzi :biggrin: It was WAY more than 42 pages when we finished. Knives I hear ya knockin' but my clear head came when I started smokin' ;) You just have to ditch the 'hotbox' as it will **** your mind up from all the heat. :biglaugh: Aunt B....you're nobody's bitch :pissed:
  7. agrowguy

    agrowguy Excommunicated

    Some say love....is a river.
  8. chopstick

    chopstick Chilled out

    One more reason not to piss up stream.
  9. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    Classic chop.
  10. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Damnit Chop...Ya should have warned me before I filled my water bottle.
  11. Budweiser 3

    Budweiser 3 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    LOL.....yellow water:eyes:...reminds me of mexico:puke::crap:
  12. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    hehehehe...did you drink it??? I wanted notin to do with Mexico water so I drank beer the whole time I was there :beerchug:
  13. PsychedOutYesKa

    PsychedOutYesKa Germinated

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