"Hash oil"....er not, thinking about the method useing butane!...wouldn't this work with resin aswell???.....just wonderd.....if so i could make a bunch"LOL"..heheheee.....me and clay,st. been throwing the idea around.....well does it sound worthy????
Don't waste your time trying to smoke that ****,it'll just give you a sore head. I used to do it when id run out of resin. If you are going to smoke it best way i think is to cover a skin in it throw in some tobacco then smoke,but theres very little thc in it.
Try heating up a knife or a crew driver(found one that is the diameter of my stem) and insert the hot metel into the gooey substance. Smokes up into a heavy ball of stoney smoke. I use this method to clean my stems and get pretty stoned.
i'm not talking about smokeing the resin"LOL", i mean can ya prosess the pipe&bong resin into pure "Hashoil"??
yup that stuffl make you puke alright, im not sure about oil but, a good way to clean and remove resin from your pipe is to use drops of alcohol while scrubing with a qtip or somthing then gather the black alcohol and put it into some metal cap or so.;l and burn the alcohol off to get the guey, goodness.... err guey crap try this.....http://forum.growkind.com/forum/topic.cgi?forum=4&topic=15 (Edited by PoSt HiPnOtIc at 5:08 pm on Mar. 4, 2003)
Build yourself a wooden boat to ride the 'wave' and water-proof it with the 'tar' from your pipe.....that's all it is...nasty ol' tar.
Yeah, it's mostly tar-- like charcoal, but worse! Very little THC, not worth doing anything with except cleaning it out.
i gott news fer ya, resin does have THC in it and lots of it....i'm saveing all my resin ta do the butane method....will let ya know how it works...er dont work.....i'm bored and have nothing else ta do
yeah stick with the butane wwoowwee what a head rush bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzzz bzzz bzz bz b, great headache , try it ............
Yeah bud ive often had the same dream as you, to turn resin into a more smokable material. Try the butane and see if it removes the impurities.
Bud3 <----has snorted butane All ya need now is for Clay to stand with a lighter at your arse for and 'explosive' finale'