K,i'll get the ball rollin with a few words then just copy,paste and add your own 5 words to it (6 if you really need to) One day two stoners were walkin down the street.....
stoner #2 picks up a rock and whips it down the street and smokes clear eyes right in the back of the head
stoner #1 slaps clear eyes and says that way to heathrow, and lights up a cannon (Edited by Smokie19 at 1:59 am on Feb. 14, 2003)
*Clear Eyes flys across the ocean screaming*..... "Kamikazeeeeee!" Little do the English know......he has a shoe bomb
folks.....my bad. That wasn't a bomb...it was the wet doob. Looks like it stuck to his shoe when Stoner #1 stuffed him into the canon. Look out all you Brits.....he's comin' and he forgot his 'Clear eyes'
A bunch of iraqi's rapel down from helicoptors and the buildings and surround the stoners...gun at hand
When all of a sudden the news comes. . . .http://www.growkind.com/gardens....dad.JPG . . .and all the Iraqi's pack-up and head home. or whats left of it!!!