I want Badassbuds.com

Discussion in 'Advanced Cultivation' started by kali mist, Mar 12, 2003.

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  1. kali mist

    kali mist Germinated

    Ok, I admit it, I've never ordered anything offline myself. I have had my parents do it way back and I have never had to do it anytime since. I don't have a credit card (I wouldn't want to ues one anyway). ANYWAY, does BAB accept money orders? If so, how/where do I get them, I really don't know anything on how they work. I go to a grocery or something, pay them cash and give them an addy or what? At what point in time do I give the address of BAB and the return address? If someone will help a newb out (preferably a sponsor from BAB) I'd be way appreciative, thanks!
  2. greenthumb420

    greenthumb420 Hash Engineer

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