ranger, you ever think of this?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by agrowguy, Mar 26, 2003.

  1. agrowguy

    agrowguy Excommunicated

    Ok, forever and a day you whine and piss about NO WAR and now STOP THE WAR since we didnt listen anyhow to you for a second.


    But, ok, what % of people at growkind believe in you and your protests? like1%[​IMG] so that means that on average that perhaps 15% or so percent of the population perhaps more agree with you while the MAJORITY disagree with you.

    Ok, so when you tell us how we should feel about the war and try and prove to us the "facts" why in the **** would we listen to you when you have proven to only 1% growkinders and a little more the the majority of the general population? What the **** makes you think you are so right? and smart? and elite? and above other opinions? What have you learned that we havent? Are you from earth?

    Dont you get it? You are just like iraq! Never think you are wrong. Never EVER seeing two sides of the situation. And for that MORE AND MORE AND MORE people will uprise against your views, become pro-war, and support our troops like ALL TRUE AMERICANS should do. Nobody likes a war, but sometimes we have to. You figured once you guys realized it was INEVITIBLE which it was and now IS that you would perhaps give it a second intelligent thought. Or is that too much?  Have you always been this way? Against popular belief and perhaps the right way? I hope someone has mercy on your soul.

    you will never see anything any other way but yours. that leaves me to think of all the reasons you have become this way. leading me back to your probably rough childhood. for that im sorry, but dont take it out on us. your views are twisted.

    (Edited by agrowguy at 5:50 pm on Mar. 26, 2003)
  2. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    I'd say about 40% of GrowKinders are against the war.

    I'd say it's about even when you disregard the people of your pro-war side that say things like "Kill the sand niggers".

    I don't check the "polls" before I make up my mind on an issue, do you?

    I don't listen to politicians before I make up my mind, do you?

    The first anti-war rally I attended , there were 2 dozen of us. The last anti-VietNam war rally I attended had 1 million. Get the picture? And most people now see, in hindsight, that the war is VietNam was WRONG.

    I made up my mind about war from talking to veterans and it's also a matter of simple morals--KILLING IS WRONG.

    And I take offence at you calling my patriotism into question.

    I had what I would call a normal childhood. Why are you so concerned about my personal life and childhood anyway?

    Why are you pro-pot? Don't you realize that most people want pot to be illegal? What are you, from Mars?
  3. agrowguy

    agrowguy Excommunicated

    not a bad job at explaining yourself. you did leave alot of **** out.

    i mean no real offense. you could be a stand up dude for all i know.

    as for your patriotism, it is no longer in question. I think you are pro-american only if america supports your views. just my opinion. i could understand why you would take offense. sorry. but aint it the truth for the most part? At least 55%?
  4. Waitingfortheson

    Waitingfortheson Full Flowering


    "Dont you get it? You are just like iraq! Never think you are wrong. Never EVER seeing two sides of the situation."

    I dont know man... I think Saddam has a pretty clear view of the situation in this world. He knows exactly what he's TRYING to do.

    Im starting to see something a little more clearly though... It seems to me that we ALL have our own idea of the "perfect" world and we all have our own ideas as to how that should be brought about. Thats our only division here. Not that anyone here is "Un-American", Although I think I did refer to ranger as a traitor once out of anger.

    Sorry man.

    With the exception of maybe one or two freaks from Great Britain/UK. Of whom seem to hate Americans as much as some of the Muslim fundamentalists. I think everybody on this site would love to see all of this B.S. just stop. But the sad truth is... This world has a BIG ASS problem on its hands... The only difference is that some of us want to confront it and some of us just want to wish it away.

    But in my opinion, the latter is just ignorance.    
  5. agrowguy

    agrowguy Excommunicated

    very nice waiting. good post [​IMG] :smokin: :animbong:

    ranger, as always :animbong: [​IMG]
  6. Waitingfortheson

    Waitingfortheson Full Flowering

  7. G4C2G0

    G4C2G0 Begun Flowering

  8. trillions of atoms

    trillions of atoms Latae Sententiae Excommunication


    the problem is humans fucking the **** up over greed for something imaginary ...

    Im tired of our govt raping us everyday, im tired of putting up with our govt. Wars work great for population control, bomb the muhhh fukkas. I dont have any view here or there anymore because im so tired of my bullshit govt I dont care what they do...i cant do **** by myself, and no one will stand with me in protest, so **** it.... stop bitching about it and go do something positive. I just dont give a **** anymore....im moving soon anyway. Why bitch to ppl who wont listen??  Drop it and stop wasting  oxygen. Im going to be productive... gunna go take a ****.

    (Edited by trillions of atoms at 3:37 pm on Dec. 17, 2003)
  9. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur

    I must say on rangers behalf, i found him to be wrong once, yes only once. when i somewhat rudely blew the whistle on that one time, he politely corrected himself.

    I for one disagree with him on the war issue, but to say he thinks he's never wrong is somewhat ignorant.

    ok, really ignorant.

    No hard feelings, just my OPINION.

    just so u know his opinions are just that, HIS opinions.

    not owr's and sure as hell no percentage of any population, simply because of the fact that while there may be a group of people against the war. no 2 are thinking the exact same thing about all aspects of the war.

    thats my 2
  10. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    Opinion - "a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty" - Princeton University Index of Definitions

    Arguments are great, especially when they are done in a mature environment. As soon as name-calling begins it ceases to be productive.
  11. The Dawg

    The Dawg Harvested Fat Sticky Bud


    SMOKEYtheBEAR Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    ...i totally agree dawg, watching terminator 3 last night, it makes sense.....the way the world is going, our lives revolve around material posessions and most frighteningly...TECHNOLOGY! :shocked:, all it takes is one clever geek with a destructive virus & BOOM!

    i say we all destroy machines, now....i've started, die keyboar...fuinvbd grjubnrau rghuiwy748ayo!eferw MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA! :cheesy:
  13. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    :alien:RangerDanger is right when he sayz that We Americans have no right to be in Iraq.

    :light:So what if Saddam killed alot of people; we have enough problems here in America.

    :light:For instance, homelessness...in America? The richest nation in the world?

    :alien:Homelessness in on the rise...and Congress gives 87 billion away to evil rich folkz...!?!:sad:

    :light:Too bad Canada wasn't a little warmer...:light:

    ...cuz over there they have better health care,people don't even lock there doors...and pot is legal in 2 of their states.

    :alien:At least in 1999, N. Dakota Legalized Hemp farming! I just found this out 2 dayz ago!:shocked:

    It only costs $150 to be a licensed hemp farmer! Yee Haa!

    :light:I'm not choosing sides...but i feel that we're in another vietnam all over again...don't you?:light:

    :alien:RangerDanger...you have my support Completely...:light:

    (Edited by ismoke2much at 10:34 am on Dec. 18, 2003)
  14. MisSativa

    MisSativa Blazed and Confused

    quote from t.o.a. ". Wars work great for population control, bomb the muhhh fukkas"

    this is the saddest statement I have seen on GK as of yet
  15. trillions of atoms

    trillions of atoms Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Obviously you dont know me and dont realize my EXTREME SARCASM. I have no view, i dont care what you do...mainly my couuntry. They will dig their own grave.....

  16. Lil Toker

    Lil Toker Harvested Fat Sticky Bud


    Theres a lot of good points made in this thread....

    It's totally not about who's right and wrong here... There will ALWAYS be people who disagree.... And in my mind... I cant see war ever ending.. It will always go on..

    I'm so glad I'm Canadian.

    Nothing against Americans!

    Ismoke.. I'm so with ya!

    There is just so much else that could be done... But noone ever sees it that way... Too bad.

    Oh and... Canada.. Has warms temps too.

    Okay thats it for now.

  17. doctorcalyx

    doctorcalyx Full Flowering

    isnt that the whole idea of freedom , the right to express yourself in whatever way shape or form you want and not be persicuted for it? however all you pro war people seem to want to label us as trators and whatnot when the war you are fighting for is supposed to be about freedom(supposed)

    i guess what im saying is its a double negative either way you look at it. the ones who want it hate those who dont and the ones that dont, cause traffic jams:)
  18. SUPERclosetgrowth

    SUPERclosetgrowth Germinated

    agrowguy, your a fuckin monkey so up your nose with a rubber hose!
  19. trillions of atoms

    trillions of atoms Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    "You know what the world's # 1 problem is?

    MONEY,MONEY,MONEY,MONEY,MONEY,MONEY!!!!!!!! " the dawg.....

    "the problem is humans fucking the **** up over greed for something imaginary ... "-ME

    thats what i was talking about.... money, ITS FAKE!
  20. Doctor Ladyleaf

    Doctor Ladyleaf New Sprout

    Saddam is a human horror, rape chambers, mass killings, not to mention the tyranny and draconian rule he imposes on his people. All that oil, iraq is rich and its people are starving because of their dictator. But its the same in the congo, and i dont see our hero bush in there and stopping the slaughter. Sure, saddam needed to go, but when the rulers of the world sat at the UN, and i'd like to think there are some smart ones among our leaders somewhere, of all the leaders,all but 33 countries said no to war under these circumstances. And there are about 2-3 humdred countries as UN members (someone in the know enlighten me, thanks). In addition, only 4 countries sent troops.

    Smells like a giant failure of democracy to me. And the US got away with it. Most likely due to that all important factor, money.

    And what about the tyranny in congo, indonesia, everyother oppressed nation waiting for america to come play sheriff? No help at all, as its not in the US's economic interest, like the war on iraq is. Spending less than 1% GDP on foreign aid when you're the richest nation on earth is rather bastardly too... considering Bush has asked for billions for this one war. And ESPECIALLY when his own country is suffering from sub standard education standards, health care, etc.

    And to boot, hundreds of innocent young american soldiers are dying for corporate gain. Again. How can you support the troops any other way but by DEMANDING all these kids come home?!?

    You cannot believe anyone, not your news, not the underground media, and especially not your government. The media is controlled by corporate moguls who have economic interest in the war, or are at least carefully controlled by the government to control public opinion, and underground media can be known for spinning things to hard to whip up pro-democrat/other group with self interest support for its own reasons. Just read everything, mainly as many official documents as possible, and then make up your own mind on what seems sensible. But be cynical... Always cynical...

    My opinion though is :BushDumb:

    Money drives everything, and i do think in this case the rednecks and greedy bastards are winning. Again. And as always, it is at the expense of the people. In america, recieveing no money for public services and having their kids killed in iraq, and then in iraq for recieving a poorly trained force to liberated them, give them crap public service from greedy western contractors and having their kids killed by our poorly trained kids deployed over there.

    Bring the troops home, save them and save the integrity of america. If thats still posible.


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