This is my 5th grow. I had one disaster in hydro. Went back to soil and am not looking back... White Rhino 46 days flowering. It keeps getting better... (Edited by 1bossman at 11:22 am on July 24, 2004) (Edited by 1bossman at 11:23 am on July 24, 2004)
This is such a wonderful strain, I'll be looking into it soon! Good job cultivating nice growth 1bossman! I'm soiled as well.
Thanks for all the compliments. I would like to try Hydro again but from my experience it is just to much work. I think I will stick with soil for awhile. I just had my first experience with cloneing and I think I should be able to maintain a harvest every 30 days. Can you clone a clone to many times?
Don't give up totally on the hydro, take what you learn from the soil grows and apply it to hydro. If done right the only labor required for hydro is a res change every two weeks. Clones can be cloned too much... but it does take some time, I've had some of the same strains now for close to 3 years and haven't noticed any genetic drift. I belive I would see mutations before I seen a drop in potency (my thoughts). Some of my clones have been cut 37 times now. Food for thought, I'll let you all know when I think they have drifted. BTW... you have done a beautiful job thus far with your soil WW. Nice looking plants! (Edited by Joint Effort at 5:09 pm on July 22, 2004)
why would clones ware out on you. Whats the science behind it all. It just decides one day its sick of being regenerated. Thats some pretty interesting stuff.
Disturbed- basically, the "science" behind genetic drift is that you are taking them into a longer generational period than nature intended. A cycle, in nature, is roughly 6 months. Therefore, when you clone, that clone is as old as the mother in which it came from, hence the reason you can flower a clone almost immediately (after a brief veg period). The genetic coding tells it "you should be _____ (A.vegging B.flowering C.dead). Not alot of science involved, just nature. The genetic drift will eventually cause mutations in the leaves and/or stalks, and not all mutations are bad, you can come out with some pretty funky creations if you play the breeding game. I'm still working on a strain to be named "brave hornet". It takes alot of time to get exactly what you want... not to mention alot of failures or as the late Bob Ross would call "happy mistakes".Some work, some don't you just have to roll with it and keep a keen eye on the grow. Good luck, JE.
Beautifull ladies Boss IMO, Genetic drift in clones could be due to the reasons stated by JE, aswell as a couple other influencing factors. These could be down to strain, ie. some strains tend to preflower at cirtain ages making it hard to clone etc. Other factors such as clone practices and health of clones could come into play. I do however know that I have grown clones from clones for a couple years with no change in plant structure, yeild, taste and stone. Also I have read that they have been taking clones from clones in medical conditions for years on end with full testing and no drift or loss in vigor etc. I spose it is just one of those things.
I wouldn't call it genetic drift in the sense that the genes actually change but rather eventually they will be abruptly disrupted and the mutation would be the actual change in genetics.
the NL im growing & cloning right now has been cloned (without a mother plant)for about 8-10 years.. now & then ill see a mute leaf but same smoke & potentcy everytime if harvested right,, not alway does it take the same amount of time--sometimes 8 weeks ---- some times 10 weeks,, but same results in the end.
how about some new pics, ha? Those girls are beautiful. I am growing White Rhino rightnow. Second day of 12/12 in a scrog set up. 30sq.ft. four 400w MH in veg. and HPS mixed with MH in flowering cycle. This is my first time using both mh and hps during 12/12. People say it does makes a diference...In about 60 more days I'll know. Be safe. BBFF58
Update. Harvest! This is some of the gooiest bud I have ever had... I need a grinder! (Edited by 1bossman at 4:16 pm on Aug. 9, 2004)
WOOT! damn nice haul, bossman. score one for soil growers.:LOL: how many plants is that? all from seed or clones?
Bossman Helluva grow, congratulations! I am receiving my white rhino seeds in a few days, as well as some White Russian seeds. Its nice to see what I have to look forward to...How long did you veg them before you flipped to 12/12? This will be my 3rd grow, and I think I got it this will see if my stuff turns out as well as yours! Peace.