hydroponics using the bathtub

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by ScoDub, Mar 29, 2004.

  1. ScoDub

    ScoDub Guest

    I read about a hydroponics setup that you use the bathtub as the resevoir, making it like HUGE! and u get a submersible pump, but the only thing i dont get, is how do u get the water up to the plants, wouldnt u make tubes, from the pump to each pot, meaning that the pump, pumps it up to the plants, with my setup i think i can do, i can get 60 plants at once. Reply if u think this would work nicly, thanks Sco Dub
  2. fgh

    fgh A Fat Sticky Bud

    welcome scodub
  3. stickifingers

    stickifingers Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    The pump is what brings the water/nutes to your plants via tubing or hoses. Gravity returns the nutes to the resi & so on. Yer not actually gonna grow in the bathroom... where ya gonna take a bath?

    60 plants is a LOT! It sounds as if yer kinda new to hydro (me too) that's awfully ambitious, SIXTY. I doubt there's another grower on here with a garden that large. My advice would be read, read & then read some more. Ya gotta walk before ya run, I'd start smaller. A 30 gal resi takes up little space & is more than enough to run a huge grow.

    This kinda reminds me of erbs4me's question about bathrooms....

    Hang on ScoDub this could be a bumpy ride ;)
  4. ScoDub

    ScoDub Guest

    no see, ima germinate 60 plants, not meaning ima get 60 females, ne way the bathtub, is the resevior...and u drain the bathtub when u want to refill with new solution and refresh the water. The bathtub is like a huge resevior. heh, also another question. Do u have to have tubes that run to it, or can u use a bubbling method, i heard something about it. It would just bubble the water up and on the roots, for like 2 mins every 2 hours or something with a timer. Holla back, and thanks for the welcome. Im getting my plans ready for when i move out, but im only 16 and mom wouldnt let me grow it. Thanks Scodub
  5. arcticbongs

    arcticbongs New Sprout

    I guess when you clicked on " I am over 18" to enter this site, you didnt really think much of it.

    Come back in a couple of years... after youve read threads on starting hydro.

    Im not pointing fingers, but you need to understand how you appear to the people reading what you wrote, for Universe's sake. When I see a self admitted minor on the site, the first thing that comes to MY mind, is that they were born between July 22 and August 21, making them a LEO.

    Sustanance to ponder.
  6. stickifingers

    stickifingers Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Ok, do you have a b-tub in another room that you're going to use as an aeroponic set up? I'm not familiar with that type system, you probably know as much as I do. A **** load of airstones bubble nutes up onto yer roots while yer plants are somehow secured over top of the resi?

    Dude you are only 16!! If so you have no business on this sight. Sorry, the disclaimer clearly staes 18 & over.
  7. ScoDub

    ScoDub Guest

    Hahahahah, i thought u guys would react bad, but im not really sixteen, im 18, i saw soemthing about it in a different thread, and i wondered if u guys would catch it. ne way, im wanting hydroponics not aero, another question is this. With the pump, wouldnt it have to be pretty powerfull to pump to over 30 plants? holla back thanks
  8. arcticbongs

    arcticbongs New Sprout

    Are you stoned, stupid, or both?

    Do you expect help from people? You obviously dont get it.

    No one believes you now.The joke is not on US ...

    Dont hold your breath wainting for anyone to "holla"

    (Edited by arcticbongs at 11:04 am on Mar. 29, 2004)
  9. ScoDub

    ScoDub Guest

    arctic wuts so bad about doing it at a younger age? huh huh?
  10. arcticbongs

    arcticbongs New Sprout

    jebus fucking titmouse.

    you ARE both!

    The ONLY thing that anyone on here gives a **** about is the fact that you clicked the over 18 button when you are not. I dont give a flying-buttress **** about YOUR safety, but when you come on here you put US at risk. If you cannot understand THAT, then I suggest that you go forth and multiply.
  11. potschmoker12

    potschmoker12 Germinated

    lol arctic, u got it on the head man, that scodub dude is dumber then hell, hes putting us at risk. i got a question for u though. think u could gimme some tips or pointers on my setup. gimme a message back plz. Thanks
  12. stickifingers

    stickifingers Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    :ponder: :rolleyes:


    nice try!
  13. potschmoker12

    potschmoker12 Germinated

    nice try at wut?
  14. stickifingers

    stickifingers Cured Fat Sticky Bud

  15. potschmoker12

    potschmoker12 Germinated

    my setup consists of 21 big containers, with 2 plants in each container, meaning 42 plants. i got 2 1000watt hps bulbs, and im using a pump in my resivoir that when shut off, the water/nute solution that was put into the trays retracts back down into the rezzy. then i got a ozone machine on the ceiling, with my ventalition fan leading to the roof. Then i got air intake coming from the other side of the house. with a homeade baking soda+vinegar co2 creater in front of my fan which blows the plants. tell me wut u think. Thanks
  16. arcticbongs

    arcticbongs New Sprout


    sticki-funny as hell

  17. potschmoker12

    potschmoker12 Germinated

    also, forgot, the 21 trays are on 3 tables, 7 holes per table, and do u think i should put air tablets in the fillpart of the table, so the roots get more oxygen while they are feeding?

  18. stickifingers

    stickifingers Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Sorry dude, circumstances made you look like scooby doo. So where is the bathtub?

    jusskidinya! :laugh1:

    Damn you know more than me! I'm new to growin.
  19. potschmoker12

    potschmoker12 Germinated

    im also new to growing, but i have been doing mucho researcho. lol gimme some input, on wut u think
  20. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur

    see kid, here's the thing...

    say we help u grow, then you get caught because you told everyone at school how awsome you are because you grow, then the cops not only take you to juvy, they search your house, they search your computer, they probobly interogate everyone you know, they search your computer, they completely destroy any chances of you leading a normal life for a long time...oh yeah, and they search your computer.

    when they search your computer they find all the sites like this one and hassle the **** out of the administrators for our information, even though they don't technically have anything on us, they still know what we have in mind, and being that info was found using a search warrant, it can be used against us in the future, depending on the laws of wherever u r. where i am i'd be in trouble, big time.

    so basically my point is this:

    if i ever get in trouble and lose all i have cause of someone like you....when i get out of jail, i will find that person and wreck his life for payment for all the time he took from not only my life but the lives of so many others, including the admin at this site and others like it...they help me do what i love to do and for that i am eternally indebted to them.

    all im saying is wait till you can make it totally secret...in your own home, not in a home that belongs to your parents...they can be held responsible for your actions, again depends where u r.

    peace out bruthas :bong:

    (Edited by green goblin at 3:47 am on Mar. 30, 2004)

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