hydroponics using the bathtub

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by ScoDub, Mar 29, 2004.

  1. Necrosis

    Necrosis Germinated

    Come on guys show a little respect for this guy!!!

    Just because you don't agree with his opinion - PLEASE dont accuse him of being a cop or kid ( 18 years old mean uninexpierence - we've all been there, right?)

    I'm new to growkind so please don't think I'm a PUSHOVER for giving my opinion.

    I've been growing for over 17 years now (commercially and personally) and this guy actually came up with an idea I never thought before.

    the bathtub does sound like a great idea - ONLY BECAUSE ITS EASY TO DRAIN

    Filling it up Using unpuried bath water is the worst thing of all though

    and you would need some motha fockin long tubing to get the water and nutes to flow over to the next room where your growing.

    like i said - ONLY GOOD FOR DRAINING.

    get yourself a bucket for the water my freind
  2. arcticbongs

    arcticbongs New Sprout

    Hey Necro, hows it growin, man?

    I agree with you. the bathtub is a method unnoticed by myself, and may be valid for some growers.This has nothing to do with why I , and others , have asked the MINOR to carry ass.Have you read the first page of this thread, and compared it to the disclaimer at GK.com? If you have not , you might want to.

    Peace in
  3. doctorcalyx

    doctorcalyx Full Flowering

    if i had not tried growing when i was under 18 and still at my parents house, i would never be where i am today.
  4. stickifingers

    stickifingers Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Good point Doc, maturity is not always measured in age. But if yer gonna try & be slick documenting that yer 16 & asking a super vague Q like "what do U think" is gonna raise suspicions.

    Have you noticed how some of the new folks have come in lately. Necrosis said hi & introduced himself, I think there were 2-3 pages of hellos, same with Elliot & a few others.:bigok:  

    Lotsa new members dropin by for only a day & asking ignorant Q's then ya never hear from them again. IMO it's kids who're too lazy to read, they want a fast answer to "why is my plant dying, I give it plenty of Draino?"

    I think you underestimate yourself Doc, I grew weed at home when I was a kid too. I DIDN'T KNOW ****! Didn't begin to scratch the surface til I read Ed's book + experience + GK! Learnin everday.:cool:
  5. Necrosis

    Necrosis Germinated

    oh **** arcticbong your right. Just read his second post where he admitted to being 16.

    so much for trying to be a hero
  6. doctorcalyx

    doctorcalyx Full Flowering

    you got a point and like i said i "tried"[​IMG] to grow. i also did a **** load of reading and watching videos and such to gain the knowledge needed but i never really went online to ask pointless q's. 16 is a bit young.
  7. potschmoker12

    potschmoker12 Germinated

    who the **** r u people to think u can tell me wut and wut not to do, shoot i do wut i want when i feel like doing it, so stfu and kiss my ass. I dont play either, if u think i do u got something coming, i may be 16, but ill knock u the **** out, And i guarentee u i have read more then u have, ive read this whole forum and all of og.coms forum, so how about u shut ur mouth, unless u want it shut for u, Peace nukka


  8. Necrosis

    Necrosis Germinated

    another alias? Hahahahahaha!
  9. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    Sybil is at it again!
  10. stickifingers

    stickifingers Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    If you'd have read the whole forum you'd know better.

  11. arcticbongs

    arcticbongs New Sprout

    Sticki... good eye.

    You saw the ruse for what it was from the beginning.



    Adolescent angst.ScoDub Schmoker, Im sure that the only thing that people around here will tell you not to do is endanger their freedom.We dont care if you grow.Just dont tell us that you are a minor...

    Anybody have ods on what his new username will be?
  12. stickifingers

    stickifingers Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    How about..... Stuart?

  13. arcticbongs

    arcticbongs New Sprout

    Man, thats . . . too . . . funny.

    (shatner impression)
  14. pollypboy

    pollypboy Developed Alternating Nodes

    when he clicks on the disclaimer he does accept responsibility for his actions, so he does limit the risk to others. but the little boy is blatantly a nob jocky. people who mouth off like that always end up being beaten up before they realize there not the big man they thought. take a cold bath boyo!!!
  15. smotpoker

    smotpoker Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    if the kids still around, i have a piece of advice for him.

    go to your local chain book store and purchase a nice grow book.

    or you can get em off of amazon

    read em thru and thru, then experiment with your plants. You can do all this without the aid of GK. you'll learn more from the books than you can imagine and you wont be putting anyone in jeoprady except yourself, which it sounds like you are willing to do if you have 2 1000watt hps's.
  16. earth girl

    earth girl A Fat Sticky Bud


    I vacillate between scorn and pity. When the typing and/or spelling are childish, and the questions are vacuous, it might be either a stupid kid, an arrogant pig, or a mentally/physically challenged seeker like myself. But the belligerance and braggadocio of his offensive response pegged him more surely than counting his teeth.

  17. stickifingers

    stickifingers Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    This "person" is still on here under a different name. He's admitted as such. He's got an explanation, that I don't actually buy... but if he ain't a cop & matures quickly, I guess it ain't no skin off my nose. I keep an eye on this guy occasionally & the mods have to be suspicious as well. So for now it's all good little man :

    (I didn't mention names)
  18. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

  19. BelowMe

    BelowMe Excommunicated

    greengoblin said it all! its people like you (stuart)that put us all at risk. definetly not appreciated. you some kinda online tough guy? man get knocked out by a 16 year old, sorry i dont fight kids, but i will hyper extend their elbow, its called being detained. earthgirl "VACILLATE"? LMFAO! i aint heard that forever...your gander is on the verge of electric. verry cool.

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