I never smoke with my plants. If it's bad for us, it's probably bad for them. It's probably no big deal if you do it once in a while, but I wouldn't do it all the time.
Plz dont do that man! SHIIIIIT NOOOOOO WAY MAN!Dont be smoking with your plants ,that shit aint cool.Yeah it is true that when we breathe on our plants we emit Co2 which the plants LOOOVE but i dont think the smoke will benefit them in ANY way at all,in fact id say it is more likely to do damage! Thats why ppl think if they talk to their plants they grow bigger:qbluewacko: ,its true cos of the Co2 from your lungs but think of all the shit in the smoke contaminating your healthy plants.I wouldnt do it,maybe others have or do but i dont see the need for it,unless its beneficial for the plant then dont do it.Peace
Hmm still not convinced its a good idea..... Nicotine is only ONE chemical that goes into tobacco..... trust me guys it aint healthy,fair enough you might do it and still get good grows but i aint into blowing no smoke in my grow room.Have you ever looked at a heavy smokers white blinds,etc.... well thats what your doing to your plants!I spend plenty time in my grow room as it is...seems a bit cruel to be sittin smokin one of my ladies sisters,lol,seriously man it cant be a good thing for your plants.Live and let live.
Dont' smoke cigs around your plants due to the disease the Mj can catch from the Tobacco smoke... it will hurt them.. I smoke bud around my plants but not really blowing the smoke at them but more or less just a smokey room... However it's my belief that most any smoke isn't good for your plants as wildfires kill plants and trees miles away due to smoke.Or cause major damage. I like to fire one up every now and again and just smoke out with my flowering room door open.. get stoned and admire the plants a little.
huh? I don't think anyone has the expertiece to say either way, at least none of those whom responded because all I heard were a bunch of predictions with no scientific fact to support such statements. But based on belief I blow smoke with those girls all the time....
trill .. I will go get the information for you about the diseases that smoking cigs around your shit will do... and the very well documented inI6th grade science books about the effects of smoke on plants....come on man.. I will get you some threads with some info in it for you though.. but hey i smoke around my shit alot and it doesn't hurt them ..but anyways, I'll get you some links to the info on it.
still dont think id do it but good luck anyhow... Some of the GK ppl who responded might not have the 'experience' in this department as you said but they DO have the INTELLIGENCE to know smoke in a grow room = not the best of ideas. Over here in the UK we put tobacco in our skunk joints so thats what i meant when i said the tobacco chemicals will do damage,i forgot that some of you guys in the states and beyond just smoke blunts... its just different countries,different habits but iv yet to meet a pro grower who thinks its a good idea to smoke in what should be a sterilized area completely free of any UNATURAL outside substances bar organic nutes,etc,but im not here to say who is right and wrong.Just MY own opinion.Respect to al yer methods.Peace
here is some facts for you guys.. YOU TRANSMIT THE TOBACCO MOSAIC VIRUS THROUGH TOUCHING YOUR PLANTS AFTER YOUR HANDS HAVE COME INTO CONTACT WITH TOBACCO,I.E. SNUFF, DIP, CHEW, CIGGS, OR BLUNTS..(COURTESY OF ME ) "smoke isn't so bad, but keep all tobacco products away from your plants, and wash your hands thoroughly after handling tobacco as an infection of tobacco mosaic virus could really be a downer " ...courtesy of marduk... http://www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/horticulture/DG1168.html here is a link about tobacco mosiac virus and what plants it effects... The next couple of things are from "The Cannabis Growers Bible" and will give you FACTS about why you shouldn't smoke around your cannabis plants.This info also courtesy of Planet SKunk OK-- Draig will tell ya-- I really get on him about smoking in My garden, but I can't/won't tell him what to do around his girls! BUT-- here is WHY I don't want ciggies or hands that once held them touching my babies!! (Taken from "The Cannabis Growers Bible") "Tobacco Mosaic virus - The tobacco mosaic virus can attack a wide range of plants, including our beloved herb marijuana. On marijuana the virus infection causes light and dark green mottled areas on the leaves. The dark green areas tend to be somewhat thicker than the lighter portions of the leaf. The leaf mottling is seen more easily if the affected plant surface is partially shaded. Stunting of young plants is common and often is accompanied by a distortion and fern-like appearance of the leaves. Older leaves curl downward and may be slightly distorted. Certain strains of the virus can cause a mottling, streaking and necrosis of the buds. Infected plants do not die, but they produce poor quality buds and low yields. The tobacco mosaic virus is very stable-- and can persist in contaminated soil, in infected plant debris, on or in the seed coat, and in manufactured tobacco products. The virus is transmitted readily from plant to plant by working with infected plant material, then inoculating healthy plants by rubbing or brushing against them with contaminated tools, clothing, or hands. Aphids are not vectors of the virus, although certain chewing insects may transmit the pathogen. Solution - Those people using tobacco or working with infected plant material should wash their hands thoroughly in soapy water before handling your plants, as Virus diseases cannot be controlled once the plant is infected. Therefore, every effort should be made to prevent introduction of virus diseases. Sanitation is the primary means of controlling virus diseases. Infected plants should be removed immediately to prevent spread of the pathogens. The use of tobacco products during cultural practices (cloning and planting) should be avoided to prevent inoculation of plants with the tobacco mosaic virus. " SO I GUESS WE ARE ALL 1/2 RIGHT AS THE SMOKE DOESN'T CAUSE AS MUCH HARM AS NOT WASHING YOUR HANDS AFTER SMOKIN A CIG.. OR AFTER TAKIN THAT DIP. THE CHANCES OF YOUR PLANTS GETTING IT FROM SMOKE IS SLIM TO NONE, BUT TRUELY SMOKE IN GENERAL CAUSES DAMAGE TO LEAF MATERIAL..(COURTESY OF ME )
..gotta give ya props for a decent comback.... Good comeback with the signature buddomi Lmao @ that icon under the quotes.... not trying to fuel anything between you 2 but i think its always good to give a dude his props when he hits back with a good comeback... ..I bet even EC cant help himself from laughing at that comeback... thats a killa punch you got there Buddomi,lol,but the mods might remove it like they did to EC's signature.... You two are gonna end up being like greenthumbdanny and plastik!That didnt turn out good cos danny ended up BANNED.Take it easy,Peace.
I was only refering to MJ, I don't smoke cigarettes or anything else other than her, I should have clarified that. And I should have made it known I am a smart ass in a sense, but if you would take a look at the answers to the thread you will have no trouble understanding my comments. My intentions were not cruel, but if taken as so that is someone elses problem.