cureing dried buds

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by choker, Nov 6, 2006.

  1. choker

    choker HIDING OUT

    This chick I know has gotten her hands on some bone dry ass weed and I was wondering if I could get it moist with lettuce,orange peel, moist weed or what ever and then cure it after it got moist? Or loss cause.
  2. buddomi

    buddomi Banned

  3. DuffMan

    DuffMan Horticultural Technician

    that will work to restor some of the moisture in the weed, but its too late to actually cure it, whats done is done.
  4. CaptKush

    CaptKush Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    take a Q-tip and wet the ends...then tape it to the top of a small tupperware lid...the bud should moisten after a day or so
  5. Mr.Dope

    Mr.Dope Master Grower Of The Kind

    Well in order to properly cure, the buds would need to be dry. So trying to cure moist weed would cause mold.
  6. THSea

    THSea Filthy Floozie

    And curing bud that is bone dry is a waste of time...your buds must have some water content to cure. Once you have completely dried the bud out, there is no live plant material to break down the ferts, so a cure is impossible.
  7. 420

    420 KING

    lettuce will work best, tap water will

    icrease chances of mold, apples will rot too fast, mabey ad a lemon peel

    after a few days, be very careful your buds dont get mold on them!

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