I got bord today and put together a cab out of parts i had. Daton blower to take air out and 2 4" cfm fans to bring air in. 250 w hps. Im going to paint it white or maybe get some myler. Not sure yet. But here is my project of the day. What do u think?
yea that exust fan really sucks the air out quick, When I shut the doors I can feel the air pull the door shut. I dont really know anything about the blower but does anyone know of a good carbon filter that would fit somthing like this or maybe ideas on makin one to fit??
You could make one. I used 4 mm pellets. Best if the fan pulled through the filter I figure, That blower doesn't look like a duct can hook up to the intake can it?
Well im not sure, i think ducting could prob be rigged up. Here is a closer look. /monthly_2006_11/IM000071_renamed_703.jpg.bf7e92bf5263bfee95ced7af15e879a7.jpg
My initial inspiration is to make a coffee can add on. Some how a coffee can should screw on and be filled with carbon pellets. Maybe one of those large plastic jars like Mayo or pickles ones in. The lid glued to the fan and the plastic jar carved into a filter? Me need more wumpum weed...
I think you could have a very happy plant in there, you might want to make sure that it's light tight though.
Well the only leaks I can see that could be a problem would be where the fans bring air in and out. Other then that It seems nice and sealed. Im thinking of stuffing a bunch of plants in here using those grow bags. Saw some at the store the other day and thought they would benifit alot.
daym dood- you got some mad mad ventilation in that bitch! u sure you need that squirll fan blower in there? i bet the two little fans woulda been fine and youd have more room for the plants. just an idea. and maybe making that light adjustible?
where were the fans? i used a 4 inch muffin fan drawing air right off the bulb on the high part of the reflector and i never had temp issues...is it because your not taking the asir out of the chamber totally and just recycled behind the chamber and in the room?'[ see what im getting at ??? if your not venting it out and away temps will stay high....
Well i tried running it with only the squirl fan and temps are no differnt so im gonna go with only the one fan. As for where my fans were before when i was only using the small ones, they were about the middle of the cab or so. Any ideas on a carbon filter hook up?? Somthing home made that can fit the space I have?? Thanks
Can you attach a carbon filter on the outside that connects to the cabinet with a big vent hose and draws the air out with a small exhaust fan? I think that would save you space inside the cabinet.
Well thats a really good idea put i really dont think a small fan will do it. My temps stay a little abouve room temp with the squirl fan. Im pretty sure this is my only option with what i have to use. I dont know though. Maybe sombody else has a good idea they can shoot out there.
Might wanna look at the one picture of the cabinet closed REAL close...I see all sorts of light leaks my friend.
hey herb, you mean the leeks around the doors?? Would some weather stripping maybe help that. I also painted in white the other day.
Thats what I meant, and it does look like some weather stripping would help. what kind of intake do you have?
I have 2 4" cfm fans blowing air in but at the moment i dont even turn them on. The blower pulls enough thre the fans even when they are not running. But i guess i will turn them on if temps ever go up at all