New Setup

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by ClosetGrower420, Nov 8, 2006.

  1. ClosetGrower420

    ClosetGrower420 Veggy Stage

    I got 2 150 compact floros and A 250 HPS Red heat lamp for flowering its in a box thats 3'2"4 i got some seedlings growing under the compacts but will the heat lamp work? its a 2500 hours one.... temps get like around 78-85 if the intake and fan is on...
  2. Mr. Wakenbake

    Mr. Wakenbake Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    heat lamp??? i think u just cheaped out and fucked up... i hope you kept the reciepts... see guys this is why we stress to read the faq's and read the threads.. research before you buy.. sorry man... i think you just wasted some $$$
  3. ClosetGrower420

    ClosetGrower420 Veggy Stage

    its growing fine...

    i have two 3 weeks plants growing fine under it your crazy... there growing fast as hell too the bulb gives off 22000 lumens.... thats more than enough i read the back of the package...
  4. Mr. Wakenbake

    Mr. Wakenbake Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    whoa homey hold on .. your spelling needs to change then.. that must be a 250HPS and that's not a heat lamp bro... or is it a metal halide? cause MID isn't a description of anything ....I hope that you bought the right shit cause if you didn't you'll not be happy...and those 150 compact flo's how many lumens do they put out man? or are they just 150 equivelents like the 43w=150w deals...
  5. ClosetGrower420

    ClosetGrower420 Veggy Stage

    150 w CFL

    the Cfl give off 2000 lumens and i got 2 so thats 4000 plus the 22000 from the red heat lamp thing The front of the box reads "Red Heat Lamp For Aquariums and Hydroponic Gardens" thats what the damn thing says...

    RECYCLER New Sprout

    Dam what's up with the attitude? These guys on this board are a lot of help and they are normally on top of any ?'s. So chill out a little he's just tryin to help.:rolleyes2:
  7. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Sure it says hydroponic not aquatic? cause sounds like a reptile light or some shit to me. Not positive though cause it sounds to have a decent output of light. Where did you buy this thing from or whats the brand name on the box. you know we aren't looking at the box.
  8. Bud Greenright

    Bud Greenright In the garden, you?

    Is it a high pressure sodium or Metal Halide or florescent or halogen, soft white, cool blue,? I think what is confusing is the term "Red heat lamp" sound like a supplemental light used for dark periods in you aquarium and grow room. If you are growing with it how are the plants responding.
  9. Mr. Wakenbake

    Mr. Wakenbake Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    I think you bought the wrong lights... but hey don't listen to me.. i'm just here to tell you that you need an HPS or a metal halide fixture . They can be found on many quality hudroponics supply sites online... Good luck with your grow and read till ya eyes bleed!
  10. Mr.Dope

    Mr.Dope Master Grower Of The Kind

    Yeah it also sounds to me like a reptile heat lamp. Ive never heard of a HPS refered as a "red heat lamp". They are more of an red/orange color either way.

    Where did you purchase this lamp at? Is there a link if you bought it online? A store name maybe we can find online? We need the info on this lamp cause we are not too sure if you should use it.

    CREATIVE GARDENER Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    dude the cfl's are rated at the power they use. the package will say 150w but that it's rating in light output compared to an incondesant or regular bulb. so the 150 is probably a 42w. i have some 42's and they work fine as long as you keep your plants as close as possible. their light disapates pretty quickly.

    your lamp probably is an hps, the light is designed to use most of its power producing light not heat. the heat is created as objects absorbe the light. so it can be for that purpose as well. thats physics, had it in school!!!

    make sure you have a good reflector to focus your light where you need it. and good luck.

    peace, CG
  12. ClosetGrower420

    ClosetGrower420 Veggy Stage

    red heat lamp

    its was in my bathroom above next to the regular clear light bulb but i looked it up on the internet a while ago the website said it was for aquariums,reptile exhibits like at a zoo,bathrooms, or saunas, but i used it for growing it just hot... and its has like 20000+ lumens so its good for me...
  13. DuffMan

    DuffMan Horticultural Technician

    Ok, Your CFL's are great for clones or the veg stage(1/plant), your "heat lamp" on the other hand is usless unless it's an HPS I've never heard of an HPS being used for an aquarium, just usless heat lamps.

    Take it or leave it bud.
  14. ClosetGrower420

    ClosetGrower420 Veggy Stage

    picture of red heat lamp

    the closest i could find that looked like it was this but mine is a horizontal one.

  15. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    So thats that hot ass light out of your bathroom ventilation? the one that can easily make you uncomfortably warm when you are sitting on the fucking toilet!? Your crazy you either need the ventilation for a 600W-1000W HPS crazy CO2 levels or just a real light. Besides i beat that heat lamp isn't the right spectrum at all, ya its red and red is good for flower but you need other parts of the spectrum as well and also that red might not even be a greatly absrobed spectrum to begin with. you need to get a better light, no offense but quit being ghetto and using what you have around you cause your going to have to go out and buy some stuff if you want to yield something worth your time and effort. Not saying you have to buy the most expensive name brand but you do need the right equipment. You wouldn't use pliers instead of a socket to change a tire would ya!?

    CREATIVE GARDENER Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    seems to be an hps that is physicaly designed to produce and little more heat than a normal. the bath heat lamps are infrared and that can't be them.

    the only problem i can see is having to keep the a little farther away because of the extra heat. but it their growing use it til you can get something more suited.

    peace, CG
  17. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Yeah well trust me thats not the bulb he has. What he just showed is a argosun red self reflected 400W bulb with 58000 lumens. No way anything like that would be in a bathroom duct unit! otherwise everyone would be using that thing, kill two bird with one stone the light and the ventilation.

    oh by that way have you ever seen a HPS labeled a heat lamp!? Much less not mentioning it is an HPS bulb on it!

    Also, just curious What type of ballast are you running your light off of, if you think "uhh whats a ballast?" then i really doubt your using an HPS like you showed a pic of.
  18. Mr.Dope

    Mr.Dope Master Grower Of The Kind

    Good point there Skunky
  19. trillions of atoms

    trillions of atoms Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    "Take it or leave it bud."

    i just give up on the flo posts:rolleyes2: .... lol- faq bro is all i say.:laughing5:

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