my plant has been growing in a clear cup the size of red cups for about the duration of its life with is 1.5 weeks now. i can see thin roots on the sides going down. my question is when do i have to move the plants to a bigger pot?
you need to move them when they are about 2-3 weeks old..I usually wait till 3 weeks because by then they have a decent root system...
If you wait until you see roots coming out of the drain holes then you can be sure it has a strong rootball. becarfull though its a thin line between strong rootball and root bound in a plastic cup.
If you got it in a clear cup you oughta be able to tell easily when it's time. Once there appear to be enough roots showing that it looks like the roots will hold the soil together if you took it out it's time to do it. Don't let it get mad crazy roots in there it'll just stunt it. I use styrofoam cups to start with and slice down the side of the cup with a razor. Then you can pull it open and peek in there without disturbing the plant. If roots look good I transplant it. If it's not ready yet I put a piece of duct tape on it and check it again a few days down the road.