12-12 from seed

Discussion in 'Advanced Cultivation' started by wawona, Nov 11, 2006.

  1. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    well, I am in the planning for the final stage of what I am calling the "prego wife semi retirement stash." This stage is gonna be putting a lot of seeds under 12-12 light from the very beginning. No veg time. I plan on starting about 5 different strains. 6 seeds each.

    I had some general questions for those who might have tried putting seed plants into 12-12 from the beginning.

    do you start bloom ferts at the beginning? I use ocean forest soil. Do i just let them live off the soil for a cupl weeks and then start bloom ferts???? just skip the veg ferts all together??

    what size container do i need?? doesn't seem like the container would have to be that big. I have 2 bags of soil left and i don't wanna buy any more so i need to use the least amount that is still sufficient for good growth.

    and finally, how long does it take to show sex when the plant is given 12-12 light from the beginning??? Generally of course.

    I will be germinating the seeds in peat disks.

    I have seen some pretty good size buds that some good folks have grown here so i am looking for just any info that i can get on this particular procedure. Yield? Problems? ANY suggestions????

    I have about 2 months before i do this and the strains are white widow, blueberry, ak-47, grapefruit and alaskan matanuska.

    thanks for any advice and ya'lls time.
  2. Mr.Dope

    Mr.Dope Master Grower Of The Kind

    So you will have 30 plants total. Ive never done what you want to do. With the ratio of 50:50 being male/female, you might get 15 female.

    I would go with the bloom nutrients after the 2nd week to fertilize them. Good idea starting them in the peat pellets. They are good for the 1st week. 2nd week transfer them into 6-8" pots. Then start using the bloom ferts. Dont bother using the veg ferts for blooming.

    Thats all I can suggest. Let us know how it goes. No one really ever does something like that.

    SMARMY Cuban Bee

    It depends on the strain, if they are more sative dominant I would fert once in veg if they have a long flowering period.

    6" square pot should be fine , but I would use a 1 Gallon pot

    When I've done it I've given them a week or 2 of veg and they started to show flowers 2 weeks after I switched to 12/12.
  4. THSea

    THSea Filthy Floozie

  5. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    uh yeah.

    these plants will receive NO veg time. seed one day flowering seedling the next.

    i had thought a 1 gallon pot would do the trick.

    thanks for the advice fellas.

    i am gonna put them directly in the fox farm soil as soon as they sprout in the peat disks. that will have enough nitrogen for the first week or 2 and then i'll go to the bloom fert. these are indica dominant strains with an 8-9 week flower time. that's ony gonna allow me to feed them about 4 times before harvest. very curious what kinda bud can be grown when flowering from the beginning.

    any other tips, suggestions, advice. etc will be appreciated.
  6. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Liquid Kelp.
  7. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    Good yeild too off of two PLANTS from seed...

    Hey ma man.... Ive did this procedure and was sucessfull with it too with too of the same plants, i grew them in 12/12 from seed, n just fed them WATER for about 2 weeks as your saying and then fed them a slightly LIGHT complex of grow, for a week and then a slightly light version of BLOOM, and uped it n uped it every 2 weeks and they all grew, very strong, n tall n thin, but got alot of yeildage throughout the stem all the way up to the top wrapped around the stem, was all the grow(bloom/flowers/Buds).

    I continued this until 9 weeks and i had myself a great yeild for the size n width of the plants which all in all took me 12 weeks to HARVEST them too!!! they were Crystal seeds and plants i grew, and was really impressed with the results even though from then after ive grown in so called "normal" conditions and "proper" nuting and growth....

    But that, (the 12/12 from seed was like yourself, a quick HRAVESTing for me n the LADS, so we had a great smoke for the summer, and a whole new breed for the start of the summer when i had HARVESTED them 2 lill beauties!!!

    I got a whole 3 n half OZ from those 2 lil plants as the Yeild was , as i said wrapped all roung the stem all the way up to the TOP and the TOP was magnificent smoke(TOTALLY!) and the rest was like a whole huge BUD/COLA all the way down from the TOP too....

    So, all was good for me when i started it rite to the finish!!!!

    Recomended for a great smoke at shortened legnth of grow time, and strait into bloom!!!

    "RECOMENDED" my freind!!!

    Peace n mucho success man....

    UrBigBuddie..........:punk: :) :punk:

    p.S.S, i had started them in jiffy pellets too, and then trasnsplanted them after the 2 weeks to start the feed(Very light grow nute for a week, then strait up BLOOM for the REST!!!

    P.S, iff there is anything else ud like to know about what all the outcomes were in more detail , feel free to PM me anytime my man(WAWONA!!!):sign13:

    Also remember.... 3 to 3 n half OZ from 2 of these strait up BLOOM starters!!! :wink: :new_smileyb: :bigok: :potleaf: :potleaf: :potleaf:
  8. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    would you mind to explain the application and strength of that randy?
  9. johnnybgoode

    johnnybgoode Rasta Intern

    18/6 is cool for a bit...???

    Yeah, it depends on the strain being grown. Having just grown Grapefruit (Sativa) and trying to force flowering early-- it was resistant at first. Sativas have that tendency to stay in veg for a bit, correct me if I'm wrong. I wouldn't do 12/12 the whole time though, **wouldn't you rather put them under 18/6 for the first two or three weeks to get extra growth before blooming???** I mean, I think generally plants grown FROM SEED will not be able to go into flowering until a couple weeks into the vegetative state anyway. Clones are able to start flowering right after rooting. But yeah, just for your consideration. And I believe that fluoros are key for veg also. Good luck with your endeavors!
  10. johnnybgoode

    johnnybgoode Rasta Intern

    a little crook in the step that is this thread

    off topic (an' takin' care of biz'nis):


  11. Bud Greenright

    Bud Greenright In the garden, you?

    What are the yields from going 12/12 from seed? How much are you expecting Wawano? Does the plant still go into veging until its mature? IMO the plant wont mature as strong as what your used to and not produce as much bud.
  12. Mr. Wakenbake

    Mr. Wakenbake Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    as long as the ocean forest is new, i wouldn't give em anything until one month in.. regardless of lighting period.

    That stuff is hot enough to sustain veg and flower growth for one month.. after that i would then and on ly then start giving it flowering ferts at 1/4 strength. and work my way up.

    Seeing that the plants will only take what it needs, I wouldn't give it anything until it starts showing signs of a defficiency..which will probably start happening after a month in as the soil is being depleated of what it has in there..

    even from seed on 12/12 the plants will vegetate until they have enough growth necessary to flower. I have two plants now in flower that i only give two weeks veg... and they packed on veg growth for two weeks after being put into 12/12 and then they finally started flowering.

    I hope this helps ya Wa...and good luck again with the baby.. me and the wifey is working on another one ourselves. ;)
  13. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    NP my man..fire away!!!

    Peace Out,

    UBB..........:punk: :bigok: :potleaf: :potleaf: :potleaf: <<<<<<<< Crystal
  14. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    OKAY, i'll correct you, but only from my point of view. so it's not really correcting you as much as it is pointing out things that you couldn't have known about my particular situation. I am not gonna veg ANY. These plants, seeds basically, will be going into flower AS SOON AS THEY SPROUT. I am doing this as a timing issue that coincides with my wife being pregnant and our agreement. This has all been thought out, which is why i am making inquiries 2 months before i even do it. :) This is how i am gonna do it. I know that plants need to be vegged for optimum yield, but I don't have the time this particular go 'round. I need a very quick turn around.

    I have always been interested in the results of this and the only way i will ever KNOW what happens is to do it myself. :) I KNOW that there are members here that have actually done this and had very good results. you know who you are. I am looking for tips from the folks that have tried this.

    I always use flos for veg.

    I have seen members here get an ounce per plant. I "expect" it to show signs of flower within a cupl weeks and grow one solid bud. straight up. i expect it to be very very short. very lil vegetation. which is fine. I don't have time to grow out big plants.

    I don't reuse soil. I love the ocean forest and most times i don't even use veg ferts.

    I have vegged lots of plants for short times like a week or 2, but I have never started one on 12-12.

    solid advice. good luck to you and your family.

    in my best Ben Stiller voice, "Does anyone have any pics of buds/plants grown in this manner?...................Anyone?.....................Anyone?" :qbluewacko:
  15. Bud Greenright

    Bud Greenright In the garden, you?

    :roflmao: :laughing4: I think you mean Ben Stien From Ferris Buelers day off.
  16. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    yeah, that's what i meant........
  17. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    liking this idea..... keep us posted.

    Im gonna have to start a baby grow in time for summer when little juniors gonna be born.... iv just harvested and cured my weed to 'help' us through christmas so the next grows gonna be big cos iv got some killer strains 100% sativas from s/africa.

    But hey wa.... never knew about this what you are talking about...got me very interested in this idea...plz keep this thread updated so we know your progress and if its a worthy cause.Peace:)
  18. jerseydude

    jerseydude Banned

    Wow, wa.

    You actually expect to get an Ounce (wet or dry weight?) from seedlings on 12/12? I would never have expected that. I mean, I've flowered small clones to sex plants, and took a couple to maturity and didn't get anywhere near that type of yield. I'd be VERY interested in the progress and results of your 'experiment'
  19. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    I have no idea what to expect. LOL!! seems like I had seen that someone was pulling an ounce each, but i cannot substantiate that.

    i'll do my best to update the progress.
  20. jaypee89

    jaypee89 The Seventh Seal

    I grow outdoors and where i live, its pretty much 12/12 year round heh.

    I started a little four plant grow almost a month ago (1 month tomorrow) and the plants dont seem to grow as fast starting from 12/12.

    I didnt feed for first 2 weeks. Then at 3 weeks, i fed some fish emulsion 5-1-1 and tomorrow Im going to be feeding again.

    Plants are about......7-8 inches tall but look very weak. (I think thats due to the heavy wind i get here)

    So yeah, its possible to grow 12/12......might take a little longer then if u were to start 18/6 though =)

    I think ill give one more shot of 5-1-1 and then switch to my other 8-14-9 african violet fert =)

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