Small area Carbon Scrubber.

Discussion in 'DIY' started by Randy High, Nov 12, 2006.

  1. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    A kick start to a DIY?

    I was just thinking about small spaces like a grow cab. A space where a Radio Shack 120 V 65 cfm fan would cycle the volume of air well.
    I think that a 2 liter bottle holds the correct amount of 4 mm carbon pellets.

    I guess that an empty 2 liter, some nylons. some aluminum screen, duct tape, the fan and some rubber bands would be needed.
    Cut an opening in the hard end but leave the structure of the bottom so it holds it's shape.
    Cut the neck end some. **
    Add screen and tape to the bottom.
    fill with pellets.
    cover the neck end with screen and tape.
    Then with rubber bands cover the ends with nylon material.

    **Now how to mount the fan to the bottle. I'd think the closer to the carbon the better.

    Anyway I thought to mention that 1.72064172 liters of pellets is what it takes for a 65 cfm fan AFAIK

    Anyway I thought to share the idea.
  2. Mr.Dope

    Mr.Dope Master Grower Of The Kind

    So the bottle is filled with active carbon? If so it seems like air would be hard to push thru all the pellets.
  3. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Yeah it sounds like it might be hard to pull air through but, I'm guessing 4mm pellets should allow airflow.

    Now powdered carbon yes. I'm sure that would be a problem.

    With dust on the nylon maybe.

    You know there may not need to be nylon on the fan end.

    So, with a specific volume of pellets, is there a difference between a wider thinner layer and the pull of a fan or will the same pull go a the distance through a tube?

    I'm thinking it's the same,

    My thoughts are as long as there isn't too much carbon. I'm using the 0.03 lbs per cfm formula

    If it is too hard one can use less pellets

    I could make a prototype. I don't need one. I could also donate some carbon pellets. I have extra.
  4. Domin8rix

    Domin8rix Resident Evil

    OK, so I didn't take pics when I just changed the carbon in my scrubber, so I made a crappy MSpaint schematic instead :punk: I suck at art, it's a good thing I'm not an art teacher lol. I used 6" to 8" because my exhaust vent is 6" so that just made sense. You can modify it to your needs as you want.



    Hardware cloth

    2 pairs XXL pantyhose

    a little pillow filler

    2 large containers of activated carbon

    1 8" endcap

    1 8" to 6" reducer

    2 8" duct clamps


    1. Make a 6" and 8" tube from the hardware cloth; make them as long as you want, but the 6" one has to be long enough to extend into the 8" endcap when it's all assembled.

    2. Cut the legs off the XXL pantyhose and put them over the tubes; be careful not to get runs as these will keep the carbon from spilling out.

    3. Place the 8" endcap inside the 8" tube and tighten on with one of the duct clamps.

    4. Place the 6" tube inside the 8" tube and pour in your carbon around the edges making sure to keep it centered.

    5. Pack a little fiberfill pillow filler around the top to keep the carbon in place.

    6. place the 8" to 6" reducer on the top and clamp it down with the other 8" duct clamp.

    7. Hook up to your exhaust port and enjoy fresh clean air. :)

    Pic of finished product:



  5. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni


    I wonder if a small scrubber can be nade like the one you drew?

    The pop bottle might not work so well.

    Ill see what I can come up with math wise.


    Dom that would be a flat snubby looking scrubber.
  6. Domin8rix

    Domin8rix Resident Evil

    I'm sure you could do it easily; just using larger tubing or whatever. This design is sort of a template, I think it would work just as well in different dimentions.
  7. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    I'll do it.

    I'm hoping to have some time around Christmas

    I'm going to design it around a Radio Shack fan.

    I assume anyone can get a Radio Shack fan.

    Oh and I have filled my first set of filters.
  8. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    PVC pipe

    Could you use PVC pipe for the outer tube instead of hardware cloth? It seems like the pantyhose would let odors escape.
  9. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Well a solid surface wont let air in.

    I assume you are looking at the diagrams from Dom?

    You can PM me for assistance.

    Let me know what you are trying and perhaps I can help...
  10. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    I was thinking of an in-line scrubber where the air is sucked into one end and exhausted out the other end so I can hook it to my cooltube.
  11. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Yeag I had thought of that as well.

    The plus is the carbon dust is after the light.

    I guess obe can be made. The outer would be solid.

    The inner would be like what Dom posted.

    Have to match the CFM to 0.03 lbs of 4mm pellet.

    The thing is we need a dust filter that can be removed and cleaned/replaced easy.

    I'll think about it..
  12. Slugg

    Slugg Developed Alternating Nodes

    Has anyone seed the "Carbon Scrubber" ? Its a ready made carbon air scrubber that can be purchased off ebay. I cant seem to find the CFM for it, but if any of you have used it perhaps it could be helpful. It can be used as an inline fan as well I suppose.
  13. shaitand

    shaitand The Dark One

    The problem that I see is that those brushless PC fans aren't designed pull air when there is resistance greater than atmospheric pressure. They PROBABLY wouldn't fail (there is still a potential heat issue) but the CFM they pull won't be anywhere near their rating.
  14. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur

    i would suggest using a commercial grade 2" activated carbon filter. they come in all sorts of sizes from 12"x12" to 25x25"

    available from anyheating/airconditioning company. or get them direct for the supplier like grainger/ferguson/keller/rsd/ars/and so on and so forth.

    you can get premade sheetmetal filter racks and plenums with whatever size start collars you need. it really makes more sense to me to use what is already being used to move air and condition spaces. but on the other hand my 12x16 filters do cost me 34 bux a piece and i do have to replace them every 4 months , so put that cost up against refilling/replacing those others"made for growrooms"

    Good luck peeps' :pimp:
  15. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Thanks GG..

    I shot some hollowed out Heppa filters taped back to back with carbon added so that any store bought heppa air filter machine becomes a scrubber but I'll be damn if I know where I uploaded them.

    I have looked several times for those photos and I'm baffled.

    Peeps! Look at the heppa filter in home air units. The filters can be gutted and duct taped together with screen over the ends and filled with carbon.

    That way air gets moved in the grow room and odor gets removed as well.

    like this..

    or simular.

    This is ment for small area like one plant.

    any Q's PM me.. I'll try to answer and maybe I can find those photos... I know not where I put them and I have a massive amount of off line storage full.

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