trust me..you can have way more than 7 fingers... Well in the past i have had plants with 3 fingers and iv even had plants with 11 fingers!!!My neighbour who is a 'retired' grower told me it is a form of plant downs syndrome but all i can say is that ALL the plants with varied numbers of fingers went on to produce good harvests so try not to worry about it too much.It does mean something but im not clued up on botany but if you surf some previous threads from the past few weeks you will find that SKUNKY and DUFFMAN (who are educated in botany/horticulture) answered this question in more detail for me.Basically but your still gonna get a normal harvest and a smoke so dont worry if al your leaf dont look like the stereotypical 5 fingered hash leaf.Peace PS.You dont need to shout..im still standing right here beside you,lol.(The CAPS LOCK being kept on constantly is like sore on the eyes for some ppl and others see it as SHOUTING.)Thought id mention it in case some one makes a sarcastic comment about it
You should get you a good grow book.... seriously, all these questions are answered there in detail.. I have seen south american varieties with very odd and distinct leaf patterns..some plants can get over 13 fingered leaves... There are ssooooooooo many types of cannabis out there, and all of them usually carry a distinct leaf pheno ..some have very few or even single bladed leafs and some have up to 13 maybe others have heard of more.. As long as they arent' brown and dying you have nothing to worry about
Worry not, There is nothing wrong with your plant it's just genetics. Think of it this way, if you have 2 brothers with the same parents and one is shorter and one is taller, there is nothing wrong with either of them the shorter one isnt shorter because he's unhealthy its just genetics. Funny thing is with the Acer palmatum(japanese maple) the leaves look alot like cannabis and also suffers from the same genetic disposition it to has been known to grow up to 13 palmate (finger shape) but will usually have 5 or 7. inparts of Japan finding more than 7 palmate is a great thing and is concidered good luck. Like Mr.Wake said "As long as they arent' brown and dying you have nothing to worry about" and I have HEARD of some plants growing up to 15 palmate, I've never seen it in person or in a pic but I've heard of it happening.
Not Bad At All!!! To be Honest my man.. ive been growing plants for a lil while now, n ive always came accross lots of fingered leaves on mine(my plants!), like numbers as in 9/10/11, and even 12 believe it or not!!! lol (Truth mate!) Anyhow...... your plant is absalutely fine though and i thaught id post this to tell ya that, so ya know that me myself , as an acomplished finisher of several harvests in my time, that ive had what you call>>> Mtant leaves, but i dnt see em like that, as i suppose myself, that the more fingers the more energy the leafs can store n send to the plants???(what ya's think?) So.... all seems fine to me, when ANYONE gets more than 5 /7 or 11, it doesnt matter really , aslong as you get a fine GROW n HARVEST!!!! Peace n hope this gives you a bit more peace of mind too!!! Peace Out, UrbigBuddie...........
OH NO! 9 Fan leaves?! When your plant grows more than 9 fan leaves, it grows legs and smothers you in your sleep! Be careful.
I've read that the first node generally has 3 leaves, second has 5, third has 7, so on and so forth. It's true for my plants, not sure if it's true or just coincidence, but figured i'd mention it.
Not Bad At All........... Here my friend...... Ive grown now, for 4 years nearly, and found many many times with more than 9 fingers on my leaves n never had any MUTANT looking ANYTHING on my plants!!!!! (MOST DEFINATELY!!!!) Its all good n NO need to worry at all....NOT at all, EVER!!! Unlews you dnt know what the fan leaves or the amount of fingers on a leaf means then dnt dissgree with this one , as my plants have always looked as well as they have smoked, which has always been very very niceee indeed, apart from "ONLY" ONE of my grows in my life time of growing, which was my FORST grow that went a lil WILD!!! You are absalutely fine my friend, n NO WORRIES what so ever for 9 fingers on yer leaves....lmao...(TRUTHFULLY!) Ask around, in a PM or anything to any other grower ,you might think would know an answer, to this type of Question!!! And youl MOST likely be told more or les the exact same thing as myself, as Im speaking from 4 years experience here too!!! Peace n keep growing my man, UrBigBuddie............