So one of my friends got a QP of some good stuff for cheap because it had seeds in it....about 150 seeds in a qp isn't too too bad. Anyway, all of a sudden I have an abundance of seeds....and I have 20 seeds of really good genetics from peakseeds in the snailmail. What do you think would happen if i planted ~10 seeds in a 8"x8" soil pot. I have a book that says that you can put a plant in any size container (within reason) as long as it has all its nutrients, water, and will grow fine. So what do you think would happen if I left ~10 seeds to compete? This is indoor, so I will always be able to give them nutes and water. I also have 800w total HPS. I imagine they would grow just fine as long as i don't neglect. I already have some plants at 5 weeks veg. Even if they don't yeild much, at least I won't have wasted space. I have about 18sq feet. How much do you think they would yeild apiece if they were vegged ~40 days and thrown into flowering for 6 weeks. I know everyone hates to speculate on yeilds, but humor me. I'm figuring if I can get 5-6 females out of the ten, that would be good. Figure 6 plants at 1/8oz apiece....nearly an ounce for that pot. Is this feasible?
it should def not be 1/8 a plant more like half to an OZ and UP and eighth plant would be super small and a waste of time...
not gonna work especially if starting from seed. you have to eventually pull the males out which will harm the females. Every plant also has diff watering and nute requirements. You will deff burn some while othes are underfed. You will end up with more yield at 1 plant per pot
Well, while i respectfully disagree... Closetgrower - Those numbers were just theory. Point is, if i don't plant them, they don't turn into bud. I have HUNDREDS of seeds, if i don't yeild much off each plant, thats ok. Its ok if it doesn't develop into a big ass plant, as long as it yeilds a few grams, thats totally find. Remember i have 100s of seeds. Smarmy Army- Yes, im starting from seed, all you gotta do is clip the males at the base of the stem. Thats a non-issue. "Every plant also has diff watering and nute requirements. You will deff burn some while othes are underfed. You will end up with more yield at 1 plant per pot" Thats not true. Maybe in hydro, but im growing in soil. If water is near a plant, a plant will grow. I don't fert enough to burn a plant. And i don't know how one plant can be overfed and another be underfed when they are in the same pot. I understand i will have more yeild PER PLANT if i do it 1plant per square foot(pot). Im not taking about a highest yielding talking about MULTIPLE small plants yeilding small amounts....simply because i have extra light, soil, seeds, nutes, and water.
I have a book that says it is better to plant ~5 seeds per pot so you have a higher probability that there will be at least one female per pot. This book also says that in dry areas, the root can go down up to 6 feet in search of water. It also states that in normal conditions where all the nutes and water is supplied, the root stays 5-6" even on a 4 foot plant. It says you can grow a plant in 3" of soil as long as it has square footage for the roots to grow horizontally.....and at the same time, you can grow a plant in a 24oz tallboy can.......of course these situations are extreme, but a plant CAN grow. Only problem that I can forsee is the possibility of it becoming root bound. But as i said earlier, as long as I harvest SOMETHING, i'll consider it a success. Worst case scenario is all the plants die and i harvest nothing....which i don't think is a possibility.
Your plants will deff be rootbound and cutting the males at the stems and leaving them in there will leads to problems as those roots start to decompose That is absolutely true. Every plant has diff requirements unless you are growing clones. You obviously dont have a clue about growing MJ succesfully. You asked what would happen and then disagree with everything. If you know it all . Why did you ask? BTW throw that book out
How much roots will a 8" tall plant have? Not much to speak of. Little roots aren't going to kill any plants. Lets be serious. And yes, every plant has different requirements, but they all require the same basic nutrients, light, and water. Do you think one plant will consume 8oz of water....while another consumes 2oz....while another drowns and and another dries out? No. I will keep the soil watered properly, i think it will be fine. These plants are physilogically identical and of the same strain. I don't see how one plant will be so different. Of course im going to put my mail-order seeds in a 2per pot setup. But these are just tons of free seeds. As far as growing successfully, i have grown 10 times more plants than you have....but i have never grown MJ before, but a plant is a plant, lets not act like this is difficult, stud....cause it aint. As far as disagreeing, yeah, i am disagreeing because i don't think i will encounter any issues with the exception of possibly becoming rootbound, but that might not be a problem because once again, these plants won't be big at all. I don't have the room to grow them huge. Im not saying I 'know it all' Im just wondering what anyone else thought. I wanted to hear what people thought and if they had done it before. And my book is the Marijuana Growers Guide by mel frank. Maybe you should pick it up and read a few things in it from someone who has probably grown 100x more plants than you have. What i have said isn't just bullshit, its written in there.
Besides, i actually already did it. I'll prove you wrong in February. Right now they are all within 1". Fast growth, looks good. There is 15 in this pot, they will be thinned out until there is eventually about 5 females in this pot. They will be as small as possible....I want to avoid big plants to avoid any issues we talked about. But hey, we are all growers here, if it fails, i will let you know and you can tell me how stupid I was to try it and make me eat crow. Fair? /monthly_2006_12/plant.JPG.32a53d7d561f6e93f9078bf025b26db8.JPG
First off I have that book and its outdated. Second,I'm on my 12th year of growing so I really doubt you've grown a 10x more plants than I have. and I'm not talking about those scraggly rootbound twigs you're growing. You recently posted somewhere that you started growing this october, Here it is That statement shows your ignorance in the subject. I'm done wasting my time with you :qright6:
how big is a MJ plants root system at the smallest mature height? my 5 week old 18" tall male NL had a pretty small root system, and I don't plan on getting these plants big at all....which is why i don't think i'll have issues. I understand big plants will cause problems, which is why im going as small as possible. As soon as the first one hits 8" and has 4 good nodes, its going into flowering. Like i was saying before, I have other (better) plants that are 1 per pot. These are just like fillers. If they all die, thats OK. But even if i can get them to yield a gram, it will be a success. And yeah, I understand just go with one per pot, but this is my situation. I have 8 NL/BB females that are about 14" tall with tips tied down. While these are ready to be flowered, I have smaller plants in the veg room that need to catch up. I plan on growing as many plants as i can in veg, then in january i'll flower and see what happens. I've got plenty of pots to where these plants could have 1 pot apiece, but wheres the fun in that? Point is, i'll keep em small, thin it out properly...and see what happens.
Look bro, anyone can grow an MJ plant but there's more to it than just having a green thing that's not dead. You need a healthy plant not just something that's alive. Tell me what the sense is in trying to grow 8 or more plants in one pot and harvest 1/8 of a Z for a total of 1 ounce when you can grow one plant in a pot and get maybe 2 Z's from it. You need to realize that the plant needs to be healthy enough to grow buds covered with trichs. If your plant is not healthy and "happy" (rootbound) it's not going to produce good bud. Most likely it will hermie on you and not only ruin the 8 plants in the one pot but the rest of your grow as well. You're going to have 8 plants competing for not only root space but light as well. Every seed is different. Even from the same strains. Some will grow taller some shorter some fatter some thinner you're going to get a mess. You stated you've been growing for years but not MJ. There's a world of difference between a vegetable garden and a weed garden. Just cause a book says something doesn't mean it's correct. Things change as our knowledge progresses. We now know more than we did 10, 20 years ago. It's pretty sad that you come on here and ask advice then say screw you guys for answering I'm going to do it my way anyway. If that's the case why come here and waste our time? You said if you're wrong we can call you stupid and you'll eat crow. Let me be the first one to get on that bandwagon. Maybe you're not stupid but you're idea is. Once you see what a mess you get trying it then we'll say "told you so". But when your little rag tag rootbound overcrowded nute deficient little patch of shit hermies and ruins your other plants as well then we'll just plain laugh. Do yourself a favor now and just forget that idea altogether.
I like that pic...ha how many plants you have in that pot! do you think light will make it through that forest?...I had 2 plants in a pot once and they fought each others have said...why waste your time and money with 20 shitty plants that are fighting for light/nutes/water when you could plant 5 nice plants and get a big yield...stop being so stubborn
More than one plant in a pot equals more watering times too. Heres is a solution. You will be better off growing mutiple plants in a Hydro system. Get like a 25gal container and use it as DWC. You can plant your 5 plants there.:sign13:
You ask for advice, get some GOOD advice (They WILL get root-bound. Doesn't matter how small you keep 'em), and then disagree with the poeple who took the time to reply. Seems kinda pointless to me. Why ask?
for my last grow i had 3 extra clones and one extra pot so just for fun i planted the three clones in one pot. i can tell you right now it aint worth it. their growth was definitely stunted and they barely produced enough weed to roll a joint. check out this picture: there are 6 plants hanging in this picture. the three on the left each had their own pot. (could have been bigger but got powdery mildew.) anyways, the three on the right? those are the three that i put in the same pot. i know you already did it so whatever. i just wanted to share my experience. good luck.
8 plants in one pot=DISASTER! 8 MJ plants in 1 pot?????WTF??????Without being disrespectful dude...thats just plain stupid.I mean when i 1st started growing i DID make the mistake of putting two seeds in a pot but as soon as they had germinated into seedlings i re-potted them cos(and i didnt have a forum to help me out back then) it was just common sense to me that if i left them all in the same pot then the roots would all tangle with each other and if i left it longer then it was obvious to me that i would never be able to re pot come flowering time. Ok,so hopefully you realise now that this isnt an advised method AT ALL.I have never heard of so many plants in one pot man:qbluewacko: ,its a damn shame to waste the potential of your end product by doing that man.But thats what this game is all about..learning from your previous mistakes,grow after grow,until you perfect the art of growing and PRODUCING something worthy at the end.Good luck with the rest of your grow
Once again, these aren't my 'main' plants. I have plenty of other plants one per pot that are good genetics and are doing just fine. I am doing this for experimentation ONLY. I am not going to do this with my good seeds, as that would just be stupid. These plants aren't my best genetics, i have 100s of experiementing. I have come to terms that these plants may become rootbound, but like i said, experimenting. At the agri lab they have some wicked compact plants in small soils, which is mainly what made me wonder about it. I am taking a class right now that focuses on productivity vs. area of cotton fields. Like i said before, I have NO problems thinning. Hell, if they compete too much, I'll cut 1/2 of em out, if they still don't grow well, i'll take the best two or three to go to flowering. Remember, i have 8 - 18" females already......some of yall don't realize that. And thank you for some insight and experiences as to why it won't work....thats what im looking for....not just "yeah, it won't work cause thats too many" I'm trying to do something a little different here....lets see how it works out. If it makes it to harvest, i'll let you know how much they yield. If im paying for 800w of light, im gonna put plants in it....period. If they die, thats fine with me. I know these are MJ plants and yall think they are holy and whatnot, but plants live and die everyday. Don't shed a tear for my test subjects, guys. EDIT: I grow cotton BTW. So yes, I have probably grown more plants than you have. If you aren't on a tractor, you are just gardening. Just because I am new to MJ doesn't mean I can't grow it, PotStud.
thats a great picture carly. Thats what im wondering. You say it didn't yield much at all. Any guesses? Im guessing that those plants were cloned at the same time and put in the same medium and same environment? How much did you yield on the single pots and how much on the multiple-pot? How long were they in veg/flower? Light? strain? potsize? Also, don't get the idea that I'm an asshole or a dumbass or a hardass. Im just trying something different for giggles. We're all friends here. I expect a good yeild out of my 8 ladies, this is just experiementation....I understand they will grow slow and things might suck and it might not go anywhere at all...It all started when i germinated ~40 seeds and picked out some of them and put them 2 to a pot. Then with the rest of the seeds after 4 days I didn't need anymore so i pitched the rest in one pot just in case one or two sprouted. Well, they sprouted in force! Even though I had plenty of healthy plants, I threw them under the light as well.
actually its still hanging so i dont know how much the yield is sorry. bad at guessing too. anyways those clones were technically potted about 1 week after the others. but they were from the same bunch. i was given 25 clones, and only needed 20. 23 grew roots. so i planted the 20 in separate pots. then i had the 3 in their humidity dome for like a week longer when i decided to plant all three in one extra pot i had. i dont know how much each of the 1-potted plants yielded yet cuz i havent weight it all out yet. anywho, they vegged 3 weeks, and flowered for 8. they were under a 1000watt hps light, unknown strain, 3 gallon pot. besides being planted a week after the others, i treated them exactly the same. i know what you're saying about how its just an experiment, as that's just what i did. people just dont like seeing pot plants go to waste.