How much nutrients?

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by 3 Blunts Daily, Mar 9, 2007.

  1. 3 Blunts Daily

    3 Blunts Daily Germinated

    How much nutrients should I be feeding these plants? Right now I am feeding them 1/4oz per gallon which tested to about 380 PPM.


    A little bit about the grow:
    Like last time, I am using a soil-less mix and am growing 11 AKxSkunk and 1 Belladonna under the same 600 watt HPS being hung 18-24 in above the plants. I am also using the same nutes: Botanicare Pure Blend pro grow vegetative formula. I have a single oscillating fan circulating air (can't afford ducting :(). The temperature usually between 20-25 degrees C and the humidity is controlled with a humidifier which keeps the humidity at around 58-70%.

  2. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Can't share any experience in that style of grow but I thought to ask if 58% to 70% is a bit much humidity?

    Has the worked well?
  3. 3 Blunts Daily

    3 Blunts Daily Germinated

    For vegetative 60-70 is supposed to be a good range, but for flowering the humidity should be lowered by like 10% iirc. I read this in Jorge Cervantes Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower’s Bible if anyone wants to know.
  4. El Campesino

    El Campesino The Farmer

    60 to 70%RH during veg is a non-issue....

    for flowering, I would look more in the 30 to 40% range
  5. 3 Blunts Daily

    3 Blunts Daily Germinated

    Lol anyhow, back to the original question; does anybody have any ideas how much nutes I should be giving these plants?

    On the label there are 3 doses:

    • Seedlings: 1/4oz per gallon
    • Mid size plants, cacti, succulents, shrubs, and houseplants: 1/2oz per gallon
    • Mature vegetative: 1oz per gallon
  6. trillions of atoms

    trillions of atoms Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    start low and work yer way up....dont feed until the first baby set of leaves start to yellow. start at 1/4 of what label says then bump it up if they take it w/o problems.
  7. 3 Blunts Daily

    3 Blunts Daily Germinated

    Ok I seem to have a problem; after watering the plants (last week) there are 4, including the belladonna, which are showing some kind of stress. They all have brittle lower leaves with rust brown spots, however the belladonna's new growth is droopy as with huge ridges between the veins. The grow medium is dry through the first inch or so and nicely moist throughout the rest of the pot.

    Here's the belladonna's new growth which is droopy with big ridges.


    Here's the second set of true leaves on the same plant.


    Here's a lower leaf found on one of the suffering AKxSkunk plants.


    I am pretty sure it isn't light burn since it looks nothing like light burn, and one of the most affected plants was located the furthest away from the bulb (>18inches).

    Any ideas?

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