just wondering if someone can give me a little info,i've built a homemade bubble cloner (sterlite container 6"x12", 10"airstone and aquarium pump,automotive wiper hose cut to hold cuttings) and i'm not sure how far the ends of the cuttings should hang from the top of the water.they've been in there now for 5 days.right now they are about an inch from the top of the water and i'm noticing a drop of water hanging from the ends of the cuttings and wondering if i'm drowning the little ladies. i understand that they should be getting wet from the bubbles popping at the surface and not submerged or is that wrong?i'm using plain tap water that has set out for a few days and i change it every 2 days.also,i have some cheap powder rooting horomone,would it be helpful to add a little to the water? thanks
So far I have successfuly rooted about a dozen clones with a 100% success rate using a plastic Folgers coffee tub that I made into a small bubbler. It's built for 5 clones. I usually have the clones exactly as you describe. About an inch or so from the top of the water, with the drop that always seems to be hanging from each one. I usually see roots in around 5-6 days and then put them in whatever grow medium after around 10 days. The water is just tap water adjusted to 5.8 ph, and since they will only be in the bubbler for about 10-12 days, I don't change the water at all. Sounds like you are on the right track.
yep i got a bubble cloner too. and it fuckin kicks ass. wouldnt use another method even if you paid me. make sure your holes are big so your roots dont get killed when you pull the clone out
Dont change the water so often. I only change my water every 10-15 days. But everything else sounds good. I love my bubble cloner!!