Hi i found a pesticide and deer repellent at my house that i was wondering if i could use for my plants. first the pesticide says Ortho Rose Pride the deer repellent is Bobbex Deer Repellent + Plant Nutrient if there is any other information about them that may be helpful just tell me and i will post. I don't know how soon i will be able to get anything else and one of my plants was already eaten.
this was already discussed eles where on the site but to sum it up, the most efficient way to repel animals is your own **** and piss. Go to your site, take a piss, take a ****(dont forget toilet paper ) and you are good my friend..
like danno said anything that smells like humans will help keep animals away. my great uncle who use to work for the division of wildlife liked to plant all kinds of different trees. He was one of the smartest people i've ever known and taught me alot about mother nature and life. He knew everything about anything. Stupid ****, like a if a rat didn't have anything to gnaw on, then its teeth would grow threw its skull. Any insect plant, bird, mammal, reptile, amphibian, etc he could identify and name. Rare ass stuff. Anyways, Deers liked to eat the growth and buds of young plants. He went to the barber shop and got a large bag of hair. He filled hair nets with hair and put those on the branches of the young tree. He also put chicken wire around them. It kept the deers away. Black walnut trees are now a few years old. He told me he would never see the day they flower and bare fruit, leaving them to me. A man of great wisdom and glory.
The insectiside will work, but will leave a chemical residue on your plants. The time you will probably need it most is in the flowering stage of your outdoor grow..and you don't want to go spraying alot of chemicals on the buds themselves. Try sprinkling some seven dust around the area, but don't apply it directly to the plants. You could also go to your local nursery or hardware store and get some diazenon spikes to put into the ground along the parameter of your garden. Make sure the nutrients in the deer repellant aren't acidic, better yet, don't apply it directly to your plants... apply it around the parameter of the garden. The human smell thing is true, any deer hunter will tell you; try it.