check out my crazy dog

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by hygrade, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. hygrade

    hygrade _________________________

    this is sweetie pie,my eight month old female red nose x blue pit,she is crazy when it comes to her chew rope!
    she was the runt of the litter,but i don't think she knows it.

    OneHitterInOz likes this.
  2. MK-Ultra

    MK-Ultra Excommunicated

    That bitch will have some strong ass neck muscles for sure...
  3. NeonLights

    NeonLights Excommunicated

    Beautiful dog.
  4. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    Beautiful Dog

    That's too funny! I still have my speaker's turned-up and at the end, I look back at Mort and he's tuned in! :rofl:

    I have a new camera and know how to shoot vid, but have no clue as to how to the computer and then post.

    [edit] I just got back from sharing my ware's and I am ripped. I see 'a fence' and comment's re: a dog...took me a min. to realize it was a vid! :roflmao:
  5. hygrade

    hygrade _________________________

    thanks guys,she's a monster.a very small monster.she whines and begs for that damn rope all the time,i hate to let her get on it because the neighbor lady thinks i fight my dogs (never in a million years) and bitches about the noise.i sure don't need her calling the man on me with my hobby.

    mrastro,i just shot the video and uploaded it to photobucket,then copied & pasted the img code to my post.let's see ole mort:bongin:
  6. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    Nice lookin dog! Damn thing is going ape shit on that rope.. :rofl6:

    Fawqin Hilarious.

  7. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Dude your dog is a break dancer? For real looked like she was doing windmills there for a sec.
  8. Zeppelin

    Zeppelin In The Hills And Far Away

    Sweet dog Hygrade!!! Ahh I love the PITS !!!!!!
  9. Mr Douglas

    Mr Douglas still stoned again still

    She is a beauty, hygrade, :thumbsup: in your next video, i'd like to see her bouncing on that trampoline. :toothy10:
  10. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    One day you'll got out there and find a full set of teeth hanging from that rope!
  11. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Seems that most pits have one fascination or another.....mine is a nut about her rubber balls. She'd stuff a ball up your ass if it meant you'd throw it for her. Weird thing is....she gets that same look on her face as yours does...almost like they're asking you if you want them to do whatever it is they're doing. Was like seeing my own dog's eyes for a second.

    Cool vid. :thumbsup:
  12. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    I have some fucked up neighbors like that too, but when they say somethin i pull out my UKC pull cards (shows that they are show doggs and are ment to be trained) for the dogs and explain to the dumb bitch that my doggs are trainin for what they were bread for, Being strong!

    That is a very beautiful bitch man and she sure in the hell does have a good grip there. Here are a few pics of my two. The male Fatboy(black and white) is rednose, gator, and land of the giant [​IMG] . My bitch Caprice (brindal) is American, rednose, and gator [​IMG] . She is about to be bread again as soon as i find my UKC blue boy to give it to her!

    Fatboy is a two time UKC pull champ and has 3 second place ribbon's to suround the two first place trophies. The most he has pulled was 2500lbs in 36 seconds.

    Caprice is in training and is currently up to 550 lbs pulled in 48 seconds for a distance of 16 feet. I bread her twice so that is why she isnt up there like fatboy. Im just scared that she will hurt herself or somethin. Well hope you enjoy and sorry for takin over you thread.
  13. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    Boa, I believe u inserted links, instead of the picture urls..
  14. OneHitterInOz

    OneHitterInOz A Fat Sticky Bud

    lol...I thought the same thing, and hell I'm not even ripped.

    Ah man that was great, laughed my ars off, had tears in my eyes.

    Thanks for sharin.
  15. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    HAHAHA!!! You're not right!

    I used to use PB, before Imageshack. How do I take my vid's and get them on PB? Don't I have to download to my file's first?
  16. hygrade

    hygrade _________________________

    thanks everyone,she is a sweet girl if you can beleive it and i've noticed the same thing herb,she seems to want to do it to please me for some reason.her mom likes the rope too.

    boaboi,those are some beautiful dogs bro,gators have a mean lock on them,i'm not sure what these girls have as far as the bloodline,just pitbulls.

    mrastro,just upload the vid same as a picture and get the img code and paste it in your post

    she does get on that trampoline mr d,not much of a bouncer though
    MrAstro likes this.
  17. fubar

    fubar south bound soon

    sweetie pie stil isnt Diva Hygrade but comes in top of the line as far as her daughter almost looks like her too
  18. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P, two...CHECK!

    I think I finally figured-iy-out!

    Unfortunately, I've deleted any good one's, as I thought that I'd never know how to share them.

    I'll get better one's.


    Thank's for your help, Hygrade.

    Now I have to learn how to post on Youtube!
  19. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    ANDDDDDDDDDD HE's OFF!!!!!!........Mort rounds the corner.....back again!.............hes rounds the tree...........he zigs.......he zags........his tounge is frozen with slobber..........he shakes........zigs again......slobber on head now folks!..........Damn Mrastro I love Rottweilers man......such silly big dogs.......gotta love the "nub" too.......only thing is....(the huge piles)

    Great lookin Mort!
  20. Hobbes12

    Hobbes12 Germinated

    Killer pits you got!!!

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