I believe that Bigfoot is real and thriving in the Northwestern USA and Canada. The Native Americans believed he had magic and could hide in plain sight and put you into a hypnotic state if faced with him. :bongin:
Douche, douche douche da di douche douche douche. I'm a douche, you're a douche....so many douche's what are we to do? Douche bag, douche head, saline douche. Flavored douche? Strawberry douche :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Tuna douche?:icon_scratch: :icon_scratch: :icon_scratch: Why? Can you tune a douche? Hi-C douche. It twas me douche. The second time with pos rep your douchey douche-ness. This douche water soaked GKer would never leave a douche message with neg vibes attached unsigned.....what-a-douche. douche you understand?
Seriously JM. I posted the positive rep with the douche tag as a joke and kind of a way of getting you some of those lost rep points back. Don't know where the negative might have come from but it didn't come from this quarter. No harm no foul. cheers,