This forum is really growing.

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by WiZaRD, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. WiZaRD

    WiZaRD Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Topic +
    I'm glad to see Beginners Lounge (25 viewing)
    This forum has come along way. Long Live GK.
    I owe 65%+ of the success from my grows to the members on this board.
  2. NeonLights

    NeonLights Excommunicated

    I can honestly say that I have learned a good 50% from here and the other 50% from books and articles. I can say that GK has fine tuned my skills 100%.
  3. SteelCity Smoker

    SteelCity Smoker To Be Continued

    GK is one of the only forums i post on. Like minded ppl doing like minded things. Love ya GK...DSP
  4. choker

    choker HIDING OUT

    I have had my ass bailed out a few times from these guys. I owe them alot for my success. I hate to name names i may not remember all of them.

  5. WillGrow4Food

    WillGrow4Food Toker Extraordinaire

    I'm pretty new here, and this is my first grow, but I must say already GK has helped me so much, anytime I had a question or problem everyone jumped on with suggestions and solutions and everyone here is just so chill:bongin: (I wonder why?)

    This place is amazing...
  6. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    I can side with choker, I've gotten alot of help here, some major help. :animbong:
  7. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    I've found this place to be like home for the most part. There are other forums I'm a member of, some active some not(or not anymore anyway). It's just something about this place that keeps me coming back. In the early days I learned a good bit from here like how to identify certain problems and dealing with them, and the basics to setting up grows. Does seem like a little more traffic lately.
  8. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    I still feel like a relative newbie here. After OG I joined a few sites. Lurked around. Posted a few times then gravitated here. It's the mix of personalities, backgrounds and with a few exceptions (***geheim**UBB***TA when it's late and he's well tuned***) the posts are well written and the humor often wry. The mods are cool and don't openly abuse their power. They pretty much let us :fly: free but are quick to put things back inline when needed.

    Thanks GKers. You've created a good place.:thumbsup:
  9. Hobbes12

    Hobbes12 Germinated

    You got a great site!!! :fly:
    Psycho D likes this.
  10. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    Yeah, GK's like crack! ;)
  11. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Nope...we like to do that behind your backs. :smokin:

    GK is like kill me Skuzz. :rofl:

    Wait a's true. :icon_scratch:
  12. nuggnester

    nuggnester Pot & Poker Enthusiast


    all you guys suck...

    I don't owe anybody, anything...especially skunky, "the master", useless, MGJ, average Joe, apprentice, and last but not least herbsparky... and who else... I don't even care...none of you guys EVER answer my questions...

    It's opposite day

    I have a tiny penis

    so opposite day...
  13. AverageJoe

    AverageJoe papa oom mow mow

    A penis?? I thought you were a chick??? :eek:

    it's opposite day :finger:
  14. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    I've looked at other site's and they all look gay!

    btw: Go Fuck Yourself, Nugg :new_321:

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