Death metal rulz!!!!!! I got a pair of skinny jeans for christmas (loads of lads wear them in the uk). I had to try them on to keep pppl happy. Luckily the top of my leg is too big to get them on. Shame, they had to go back lol! It seems to be the new thing here. Lads just seem to want to have drastic sid partings and want to show the world how skinny they are. Oh yes, self harmming seems to be in too :icon_confused:
I passed my piss test and weighed in at 169.5. Let's get it on! Hopefully my hands are too sore to type tonight, but I'll try to let y'all know what happened. Wish me luck.
Good Luck Remember that it's only against the rule's, to load your glove's, if you get caught! If that doesn't work...bite his ear off! Best Wishes
LOL, Not much room to load 4 oz gloves. I was watching Shane Mosley's last fight, and his opponent had to be retaped cause he loaded his gloves with something like portland cement that would harden when he sweated and it got wet. How did he not get dq'd for that?
I Don't Know It came to mind because I was just reading that article in Newsweek. I guess there's cheater's everywhere. How about brass knuckle's?!
Ouch! Poor finger! Here....I'll kiss it & make it all better! Wiggle it in between my Boobs..:boobs: ..THAT will make it feel waaaaaaaay better!!!!
Is it that "Cookie Monster Music"??? Where the guy just screams incoherant verbal garbage in a very deep cookie monster voice??!! I hate that crap!!
I do the same every weekend.....Lay on the couch and get stoned. Now if I could just find a misses who will do that same with me. Then life will be complete.
I still to this day don't know how Holyfield held back from ripping his head off. Ain't no way someone is going to bite a chunk of my ear off and get away with it. Ref or not. He should have broke his neck.
:rofl6: LMAO @ The Skinny EMO pants! They look great on my girl, but when I see a man wearing those in public, I have to laugh at them.. And I make sure they see me laughing at them I can bet Neon has himself a pair or two of skinny pants. GFam
I lived in Vegas then & met Holyfield at the mall there, where he had been signing autographs for a bunch of kids! As we left, Evander & his Entourage were walking out as I said to him "Good Luck tonight....and kick that rapist bastard's ass!" I really did!! He laughed...they all laughed! It was cool! Then we saw what happened...and the rest is history!!
WOW, that woulda been great! I couldnt imagine! You probally seen all kinds of ppl in Vegas.. Very neat, you had that opportunity! GFam
Oh Yah! I saw all kinds of people there...some just around town, doing their own errands, etc! Saw several in my ex's restaurant...Chile's..and other restaurants around town....Wayne Newton, Penn Jillette, Steve Wynn!
I played in a band with my brother called The IXth Hour, but after a while we went separate ways and my bro started a new band called Beneath the Tide. So anyways last night I watched them play. They played one of our old song (and wrecked it IMO) but after they were done everyone was chanting for one more song. So they played another old one and let me hop on stage and play with em. Fun stuff. Then some drunk ass slut was trying to make out with my girlfriend!! Later we left the bar and on the way home my mom calls to tell me that my bro broke his damn leg and dislocated his knee in the mosh pit. Now today I'm sittin on my ass and tomorrow I'll probably sit on my ass some more.
And your knock out at 3:46 in the second round....thhhhaaaaaaa caaaarppppeeeennnteeeerr. Feeling pretty high right now, and I haven't smoked a thing in a week. I'm fuckin about to though. I think I'm gonna load the vapir, fire it up, drop my hands in ice, and hit it until I pass out. He was a lot better than I thought he'd be, great sprawl. I only had 2 takedowns the entire fight, but in the end my standup was better. I dropped a mean right hook and followed it up with a kick staight to the gut, and the poor fucker just folded...fight over. Now my record stands at 10-1-1. Not too bad for an amature who smokes pot every day. the pics are so shitty, camera phone was all my wife could use. I think that's all the typing my hands can stand. It was all I could do to get my ring back on. I just couldn't wait to log on and tell y'all. Good night everybody. Peace.
carpenter i am very very impressed...your record is amazing....i watch a lot of mma and very few have that kind of a record...very kewl..i wish it was under different circumstances as i would love to watch you fight..was it on say you are an ameteur..but does that mean you fight for no pay..or that you have a regular job therefore you dont consider this a full time occupation...because whatever u call it pro or ameteur...the punches and kicks have no freggin idea thats for sure... suppose to be a good mma fight on tonight...55 bucks to watch so i decided to watch when free...i used to have a pirate sat and watched all the fights back then...until a couple of years you box as well...or just mma...when do you get time to you are busy.... well congrats...and good luck in the future....