My daughter had it in 2007 due to an outbreak in our school system. At first I thought she had a spider bite on her hand, but ooooo it took a turn for the worse and she was one sick little girl. Took a couple months to get her 100 percent and is no joke. If you have a open scratch/cut it can enter your body that way which is how she got it. She has so many animals and always has tiny scratches from playing with her kitty so she must have sat down at the desk where another child had it and wham....she had it too. Many students came down with it and all from the same classrooms so obviously it starts with one student and spreads like wildfire. Needless to say, now she carries antibacterial gel and uses it when she is at school for fear it would happen again.
MRSA sucks, it could be local like to a wound or systematic in your blood stream(worst one), sometimes it's impossible to get rid of, can be active or dormant at times and effect all your organs and even kill you, especially if its immune to drugs already.
I had it. I used to shoot H back in 2004-2005, and I got it on my tricuspid valve. I was given a 1/6 chance of living, and if I lived I was told there would be a ~60% chance of open heart surgery. When I checked into the hospital, I was drooling on myself, I couldn't move my feet, hands, or lift my arms. I stayed in the hospital for 6 weeks, had a port put in to my clavicle vein. Then had 12 weeks of home IV anti-biotics. I went ~3.5 weeks with it and didn't know I had it, my general doctor thought I just had a simple virus. I lost 38lbs in 24 days, I threw up more bile than I thought possible. It was absolutely terrible, it was even worse than when my left lung collapsed from....[well that's another story] edit: I called my mother, and she's not 100% positive what kind of staph it was, but regardless... it was terrible.
Well when I first read your post MK about mj helping MRSA I thought hmmmm how could it being it is a staph infection and I googled it to find yes Web MD does say it is useful. here is the link.... Just shows that MJ has soooo many positive results on the body eh? Now of course one would still need another med treatment to get rid of the bacteria but it did say it helps. All I know is it is one nasty infection which is why it is mistaken for a spider bite many times. My daughter was first diagnosed with just that until the culture of the wound came back positive for MRSA. They take a swab to send out from the site which looks ewwww as it actually eats a hole right into the flesh which is what spider bites can do. All I know is she was sooo sick and they had to change her med's several times to get the right one for her that would work. Her entire body hurt and she could not walk once the fever took over. She would complain about her legs and she also was vomiting plus would go in and out of being conscious due to the high temp. Funny is not everyone will get it even if they come in contact with this infection, I was told it affects everyone different. Elderly people and young children can die from it more then healthy adults. Do you have it?? If so, I hope you get well soon my frd!!
My little brother had it, he had like 7-10 scars on his chest and stomach from it. But worst spot though was on his arm. It was only the size of a mosquito bite, then we were jammin and he got to jumpin around and shit the blood flowed more and the hole opened up to the size of a fuckin dime and you could see red shit coming out of it in his veins all over his arm. We took him to the emergency room and they treated him like he had the black plague or something it was right around when the media was blowing it up because of outbreaks
Chick I dated for a little while got it and had to have a port and do the whole IV drugs for a few weeks like you wiz. She has a few small scars from it. Her's was horrible she got it and got rid of it and it came back 2 other times before they did the IV treatment. Hers was resistant to everything even tetracyclines. If she has it come back I'll try talking her into trying the MJ to see if it might help.
Anyone want to know what it is just go to youtube and type it in. I will give you a link to a local MRSA infection. This person was lucky it didnt get into his blood stream. In short it is a staph infection that is resistant to just about everything.
The shit fucked me up peeps. It is something else. I have scoops of flesh taken out of my skin. It starts like a little zit and then then the bacteria goes in you and starts eating you. It will kill a part of you and then oooz a liquid out and leave a hole in you. This shit is a fucking epodemic that will affect alot of people.
Oh yea. I have to get some. When i first realized what i had, i washed my self in bleach. I put 1 gallon in the tub and put 6 8 inches of water in the tub. I took a sponge bath. The shit was still there.