Omfg: Stupid Noob Mistake #1

Discussion in 'Pests and Plant Problems' started by grownup, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. grownup

    grownup Germinated

    i had a computer fan over my box for my seedlings...

    my seedlings were growing bigger and relatively fast...the fan was continuously blowing, not HIGH speed but it was blowing well enough for me to see the leaves vibrating a little bit.

    now...recently i started noticing...that my seedlings were getting very strong... healthy roots..., and strong healthy stalks and bright green healthy leaves.... but right where the stalk meets the root... they were the point that many of them bent over at that point and died... (many meaning almost 9)

    i thought maybe a light problem?, maybe a a nut problem...

    then it struck me...that stupid fan has been vibrating the plant from the leaves to where the stalk touched the soil 24/7...and thats why its been thinning at where the stalk met the soil.

    i pulled up 2 seedlings dug deep and planted them a lot deeper to support the stalk...and hopefully those 2 make it...i have turned off the fan for now till they get older

  2. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Got a pic?

    It's most likely NOT the fan. MJ can handle some pretty heavy breezes and a comp fan doesn't move enough air to be an issue.

    If they are looking stretchy you have the right idea by burying the stems deeper. Alternatively you can split a drinking straw lengthwise and wrap it around the stem to aid in support. Once in place just press it down into the soil a little bit.

    Until there is a pic it is aweful tough to diagnose.....and my diagnostic skills suck enough as it is.

  3. SWED420

    SWED420 Developed Alternating Nodes


    What kind of soil are you using? does it drain well, or how often do you water? IMO it sounds like damping off to me, are they all in the same growing container? how are you checking the roots.. don't you could bring diseases to them, they are just seedlings right? If you can i'd get some no damp, unfortunetly i'm in canada, where they stopped selling it:( on the plus i still got some left:)

    anyways i had my fan on mine since i put her in the growing medium and just started giving them a break for 4 hours of the day and she's about 2 months.(when lights where off) depending how old and what the other two look like i'd just start new seeds? hope this helped
  4. kushadelic

    kushadelic Germinated

    if the soil stays damp, and is not allowed to dry, the stem can rott.:bong2:

    you could stick something in the soil like a chop stick, and tie your stem to it, to keep it from falling down.
  5. grownup

    grownup Germinated

    i keep the soil a LITTLE damp just because it has such a huge surface area...and it drys up pretty fast. but i will try the straw idea...that sounds like it should do the trick too...

    the best i can describe it is..the part where the stem becomes the roots...basically where it starts to meet the thins out...and then the plant folds over on its self...annoying :( and heart breaking


    its damping off... im a failure.....

    off to get the hydrogen peroxide and cinnamon....
  6. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    You're making anti-microbial mouthwash? For your plants?
  7. SWED420

    SWED420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    not saying your wrong , just wondering if ud wanna use no damp maybe not in his case cus its too far gone once they fall over the disease already one... but say you just start to notice damping off is there anything else other then no damp, i mean in organics so you didnt have to kill the microbria?
  8. TheCarpenter

    TheCarpenter member

    What kind and how much lighting do you have?
  9. choker

    choker HIDING OUT

    Sounds like the seed was not planted deep enough.
  10. grownup

    grownup Germinated

    i checked online no damp is a 40% sulfur solution, i just went tot he store and picked up a 40% sulfur solution of another brand and went to town...
  11. LadyFlamezzz

    LadyFlamezzz learning everything i can

    don't beat yaself up about it consider it a valuable lesson learned !:passit:
  12. bLITzkRIEg420

    bLITzkRIEg420 sHAPesHIFTinG rEPTiLiAN

    How many do you have left? If your down to (2) and they were not Fem seeds you might want to start some more less your feeling lucky.
  13. SWED420

    SWED420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    i wouldn't quiet "go to town" with that stuff or no damp because itll kill them more then likely if you use to much... hope they are working out for ya..:bongin: personally id start new ones depending how old they are if they are just seedlings,, well start new ones unless you ain't got new seeds:smokin:
  14. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    How far away is your light? Stretching seedlings could be caused by them reaching for the light. If your using floros get the light within inches of the top of your seedling.

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