That's pretty cool you just grow em in the backyard. I could never pull that off not at this location. Cool tho keep the thread current...DSP
Yea i must say living in Canada for one helps. And having people living next to me on both sides that are okay with is another plus. I mean, they get so big its pretty obvious and im sure theyve smelled me smoking some dank buds on a real humid day when the smoke lingers.
Got 2 new pictures here and some questions for the more experienced growers. The little clone i got wasnt exactly like a normal clone. It came like it had already been topped, probably for an even smaller clone. So once it started growing outside it didnt have a top, just two arms going out left and right with a thick cut off stem at the top. So anyways this is what it looks like right now and im kinda worried about it, and if its all fucked up. Dont mind that fluffy shit on there, its just one of those things that blow around in the summer breeze, its not mold or a spider web. I was thinking it looks that way for two reasons, one its brand new struggling growth where there was nothing on top, and its all fuzzy cause when i had it under my light it was getting 18 hours of light, then when it was put outside it was getting substantially less light maybe throwing it into flower mode untill it adjusted to the outdoor sun schedule??? ANYONE KNOW???? Here are the other two who are making me proud. Ive been giving em some food since they went out and they seem to be lovin it! Im gonna have to tie the other arms down in a week or so again. Thanks ! :fly: :fly: :fly: :fly: :fly: :fly:
Cant beive i missed this thread! Fuck man ive been following ur grows for the past two years! Fuckin plants look sweet man, and IMO id leave that one ur worried about she'll turn around. So im runnin a white rino cone from my indoor grow, and hopefully ill have a few more by the end of the month to trow out there! :new_popcornsmiley: :eusa_dance: :guitar5: :zicon_viking: :headbang9: :razz3: Well shit i pulled my seat up for ths one!assit:
Lookin Good Dan! , I have no clue about your little lady...:icon_confused: Can't wait to follow this grow throughout the summer! Peace -LM
Just looks like a twisted up clone doing a Sweet Basil imitation. My guess is she's gonna be just fine. I will venture that the person who donated the clone cut the branch during flower and topped off a little bud that that was there. That is probably what is contributing to the crazy growth. But that's just a guess. Those plants are gonna be gorgeous man:thumbsup: cheers,
I've gotten a clone like what your talking about and this is what it turned out like. As for the flowering thing... One of my plants started flowering and showed that its male because I put it out kinda early when weather wasn't the greatest, then it reverted back to veg so the leaves look twisted and fucked up kinda... I'm also in Ontario.... not sure how south you are but I'm under lake Ontario and that happened.
HEY DAN.....I've had the same exact thing happen to 2 of my rhino clones.........Its looks all twisted up on top right? Very little NEW growth? But the plant seems to be doing fine right? Just not growing at the same rate as the others? What I did was.....I chopped alot of the top twisted up leaves off and some of the future flower sites like 2-3 days it exploded with new growth and I ended up with 2 of my best rhino plants ever. 5.5 ounces from 2 ladies! I wish I has kept the pics of them 2.........sorry for that but your pics looks exactly the same as what I had goin on Good luck Dan
So i dont know if they have anything to do with ur plant being deformed, but mabe they started eating ur plant upon transplanting outdoors. Other than that the plant just looks like its recovering from damage due to being topped. Ive seen this beforeassit: when i topped plants. If u pinch the top grow site but dont cut it clean enough thats what the leaves should look like. Id just clean them buggs up and mabe add some organic bugg stopper. Other than that everyone knows how much of a green thumb you have, so i see nothing but amazing pics to come from this plant! assit: /monthly_2009_06/plant2.jpg.7277a15173c5b40e3bf64729e8feeedb.jpg
from indoor to outdoor assit: i just wanted to reassure u that your plants will take to the outdoors just fine . one of my buddies bought some clones that are supposed too be "indoor" plants, well i put them outside in some bubble buckets in my back yrd and atfirst i was worried they wouldn't do so good. they are growing two inches a day. they've been growing 2 weeks now and they are very healthy, and im very happy to see them taking to the outdoors so well.
Yeah they seem to have taken well to the outdoors. Its just the blueberry is staying really small for now. Im gonna have to tie the one next to her a little to the right so it doesnt end up stealing all the little ones sunshine.
WOW. I just did a check on my old grows to see how far along they were at this point the last few summers and i was pretty shocked! Heres my girls last year at this time. 2 years ago 3 years ago (this pic is on july 11th, about 3 weeks older) AND HERE ARE THE ONES FROM THIS SUMMER... SO FAR. These are even tied down too! Looks promising! As you can see the little one i was worried about is finally coming out of her shell. All that ugly twisted growth is looking like healthy bushy growth now.
hahaha no not worried about all of em. Just the little one and its stunted growth. But yeah all is well.. :fly: :fly:
Sweeeeeeet Looking, n Love your Grows also CD.... WORD^^^^^^^ Skunky!!! :new_popcornsmiley: :thumbsup: Tuning in for this 1...... :jj::new_popcornsmiley: assit: :jj: Keep those beaties UP n GREEN mr C-Dan...... :thumbsup: UrBigBuddie.......... otleaf:
Everything looks good as expected Dan. :thumbsup: I'm also in Ontario, and the sun this week is doing wonders for my stuff, can't wait to see them after this hot ass week. Keep it up.