Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by gkpro420, May 24, 2009.

  1. gkpro420

    gkpro420 New Sprout

    ok i have 5 female plants goin in a homemade box. i made a 400w hps cooltube setup. my plants are on about 30 days of flower. when i awoke this morning, one of my hanging ends of my cooltube had fallen down into my plant. it has good looking buds all over it. the buds are really crispy as if i were drying it but much worse. since the plants still have some time till they finish i dont know what to do. i refixed the cooltube and watered the plant with 2 gallons of water. will the buds get fresh again and start growing or what? any help is welcomed! i will be trying to get some pics poster this afrernoon. thanks a lot guys i have learned everything here so with all your guys input maybe this bump in the road wont be a flat tire.... thanks o ya ps...

    all of the fan leaves burnt to a crisp so i pulled them off. pics coming soon

    pss. also woul using a spray bottle with a light mist help moisten the buds back up? only my second grow and didnt have anything like this happen before.
  2. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Yea that sucks. More than likely whats done is done. I would still probably spray it a little bit with some plain water just to try and rehydrate it a little. You will probably get some new growth but the burnt stuff isn't going to get any better.
  3. gkpro420

    gkpro420 New Sprout


    well the buds arent really burnt they are just really dry. i think i will try to rehydrate the buds and wait and see. thanks for the quick reply. anyone else that has an opinion please post it, i have never dealt with this kinda thing before. thanks again
  4. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Any reason for the triple posts on the same subject? One is usually more than adequate.

    Grow-em out. The burn is burnt. It isn't going to heal per se, but the rest of the plant will continue to grow out. Just going to have some funky shaped buds is all.
  5. gkpro420

    gkpro420 New Sprout


    i posted in multiple places to try to get more people to see. sorry for that.
  6. gkpro420

    gkpro420 New Sprout

    no progress...

    There has been no progress on the plant. i sprayed the buds with water twice in the past 24 hours. another quick question...Since most of the plant is dry already can i just cut the dry stuff off the plant since it is so dry it is pretty much finished? After i cut the top cola off and most of the other buds, will the bottom part of the plant still grow even though i cut from the plant? I still have 4 plants so not all is lost. Lemme know guys, thanks.
  7. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Could you post some pics of the plant? I would like to see how it is structured that way I could give you my opinion what would be your best option to just trim and remove some of the dead foliage or to just excise that portion completely.
  8. AverageJoe

    AverageJoe papa oom mow mow


    It's only been 24 hours. You aren't gonna see some amazing transformation overnight.

    As mentioned, the dead ends are dead. They won't grow back. You could trim off the crispy stuff and the rest of the plant should be fine.

    Post pics if you can
  9. slyangles

    slyangles Guest


    thats sucks man. i did somethin similar to that a couple years ago. only i had purchased more lights and was hanging them above the crop. a wire came loose on the other end and the light swung down like tarzan on a vine. the 1000w hps wrecked about 8 mature plants that had just started to flower...i cried. but as far as urs go. u need to post some pics. noone can give a very accurate judgement without seeing how crucial the actual damage is.
  10. ScottyG420

    ScottyG420 Marijuana Handler

    Something similar happened to me. One of my seedlings got burned by one of my lights. I sniped off the burnt ends of the leaves and I could see that the plant still had viable growth tissue. I just left it alone for about a week and it's recovering nicely. Best of luck with your situation.
  11. Nilzar

    Nilzar A Fat Sticky Bud

    Hey man, I did the same thing, well not exactly but I did burn my plant on my first grow. just take it as a lesson learned and cut the dry shit off and smoke it.

    Just take a little more precaution next time, hey it could be worse you could of burnt down your house.

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