reputable Canadian seed vendor????

Discussion in 'Strains and Crosses' started by mccrob, Jul 9, 2009.

  1. mccrob

    mccrob Herb Budmin

    can anyone recomend a good Canadian seed bank.I'm working on a white widow big bud cross that's been crossed with some good local shit(outdoor).It's what I grew last year,this year I've got some going and have obtained some whitewidow male pollen that I'm going to cross with it,hoping to bring out more of the white widow strain.Can I cross that again with white widow or will that be to close of a relation.If I can I want to order some seed online from a Canadian seed vendor,(I want to order a new strain anyway)and I don't want to get ripped off,I want to get what I order and I want it to grow,any recommendations on seed vendors and any opinions on my strain would be highly appreiated.
  2. grower_on_da_rock

    grower_on_da_rock Germinated I got my seeds from there check out the plants in my thread in the outdoor section called: first grow ever. outdoor. 27 plants. I got a variety mix of there outdoor strains. also check out They are closed for the summer tho. the vancouver seed bank is another. hope this helps.:passit:
  3. Dixie Hicky

    Dixie Hicky Excommunicated

    I love NOT TO BE CONFUSED with Make SURE you get that "king" in there.

    They are reliable, fast and very discreet. Even send you and email to let you know your order is on the way. They also give you at least five free seeds, of whatever you ordered. I got my present WW from them and they are now in their seventh week of flower. Good lord, I wish you could smell them!

    I also have some Big Bud from them going now, too. I also am planning on crossing the WW with the BB just to see what happens.

  4. mickfoster

    mickfoster New Sprout

    peakseedsbc is very reputable - they only offer a limited number of strains but they are all very good. I'm currently growing their northernberry (cross between northern lights and blueberry) and skunkberry (cross between skunk #1 and blueberry. Make sure you include the bc because there is a peakseeds that has copied their website and are a rip off from what I've been told. Hope that's helpful.
  5. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    VISC isn't a bad choice either. They have fuckin' incredible, you gotta love the looks of this stuff.

  6. mccrob

    mccrob Herb Budmin

    bcseedking was what I was thinking but don't know anyone who's dealt with them,I hope they r back soon.
  7. WiZaRD

    WiZaRD Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Yep. I'm growing some Fuckin Incredible right now. ~25 days till harvest. I pollinated a bud of each, so I can keep up the search for that rare super super purple specimen. I'm also growing Rx, have harvested the original mother and it was great. Good yield, and good taste, potent, smooth.

    I got all my VISC products from

    I actually didn't receive my first order of Fuckin Incredible (10 seeds, $140). So they sent me 10 more for free. And on my first order, (rx) I ASKED for 5 freebies and they sent me 5 Mystiva's ($95 for 10). Freakin sweet.
  8. canadian123

    canadian123 hemp ninja

    This is going to be my next seed order

    VISC---Romulan x Burmese, Blackberry, Fucking Incredible & RX :passit: can't wait!

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