will my male plants pollinate my females if i just leave the males in the same space with the females with fans on? (im trying to get seeds for future growing) thx!
Males produce millions of grains of pollen. 1 grain of pollen + 1 bud hair = 1 seed. In other words, if a male is shedding pollen in a room with females, especially with a fan on, you'll get seeds allright. Lots and lots and lots of seeds and no smoke. Put the male in a different location. When he begins to shed pollen ( a week or 2 after the balls appear), tie a sack onto a branch to collect pollen. Then isolate a female. Using a model airplane brush, dip the brush into the pollen and 'paint' one branch of the budding female. Keep her isolated for 2 days, then spray her with plain water (which invalidates any unused pollen), Then put her back with her sisters. (Edited by rangerdanger at 2:33 am on May 31, 2004)