E Z grow

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by ernest, May 16, 2004.

  1. ernest

    ernest Germinated

    my plant is bout 4 weeks old. bout 5 inches tall. its my first time to grow and im having some problems. lower tips are yellowin. will my plant survive even if its tips are yellowin? i just want it to grow and smoke it. also, i still dont have ferts to use. is there a simple recipe? SALAMAT!
  2. kp420

    kp420 New Sprout

    Those questions can be ansewered for you in the F.A.Q. section. It's a really good place to start if your a beginner.
  3. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    Welcome to GrowKind.

    You will not bring a healthy potted MJ plant into flower without feeding it nutrients.

    What kind of soil is it in?

    Cheap/easy way: Buy MetaNaturals 3-3-3 for veg and 1-5-5 for flowering.

  4. EliotRosewater

    EliotRosewater Germinated


    Welcome to GK. Taking the time to research the site which we have built together as members of the GK community is your first step to growing quality buds.

    The answers to your questions and more can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions file here at GrowKind. The FAQ is GK's bible of grow tips that have been culled from many different forums to help out new growers like yourself.

    Give it a good read, and if you still have questions, post them in the forums and we'll be more than happy to help.


    If you can't find what you're looking for there, use the search feature, or check one of the other forums like Pests & Plant Problems or Pot Shots. You may find answers in unexpected places, or solutions to problems you hadn't anticipated.

    Reading through the FAQ page and the other forums also gives you an idea of what types of questions are asked where, and it introduces you to some of the members and their knowledge, some of which is expert and/or specialized. ;)

    One last word of advice. The amount of help you'll get here at GK is often directly related to the amount of effort you put into getting to know other members, expanding your knowledge about marijuana cultivation in general, and helping others learn to grow.

    Best of luck to ya.

  5. Big E

    Big E Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Just wondering cause it's not a faq.
  6. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds


    (Edited by Lemonpie at 3:47 pm on May 16, 2004)
  7. Danno33

    Danno33 A Fat Sticky Bud

    hey ernest i though you already made a post asking this same question...it will be fine as long as the newer leaves are green with no yellow...now is the time that you need a fert..buy one now...your plant right now does not have enough nutes so its using the nutes that are stored in the leaves and that is why they are yellowing...get a fert...
  8. ernest

    ernest Germinated

    ma just pulled my plant! i dont know if its going to survive! i replaced it it in its original place but some leaves are curling! madafakin HELP!
  9. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    ernest sounds like your plant is experiencing some stress.

    You need to give it time to recoop from the transplant...

    There could be other probs too.

    ER had this for you http://forum.growkind.com/forum/faqview.htmls

    I hope this helps, there's alot of good info in there:)
  10. marymaryquitecntrary

    marymaryquitecntrary Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    his biggest problem is that he's growing weed in his mother's house without her permission.  and you sound a little immature for being (at least) 18 years old.

    :wave:  come back when you're old enough to have your own place to grow

    (Edited by marymaryquitecntrary at 11:53 am on May 17, 2004)
  11. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    ernest, don't grow in someone's house with out their knowledge and permission.

    If you want to grow, there's always the woods.
  12. Small Time

    Small Time Veggy Stage

    If its just a new plant being ripped out by "ma" and your upset, wait till you get huge green angelic buds on it and its filling your nostrills with sweet success and "ma" pulls that ... heh heh get your own place or take it to the woods i agree.
  13. ernest

    ernest Germinated

    man, i think its surviving. although some of the leaves are drooping, i think its ok. some of the upper leaves are havin spots but i still think its ok. I THINK IM OK! small time man i feel yah. ranger, theres no woods here. im from a tropical country and all pot only grows in mountains where its cold. i havents seen a single mj plant that grew here in the city and i think im the only one in here tryin. but tnx man. by the way mary2, im 22. tnx boyz. cant i juz blend some fertz?
  14. MellowDood

    MellowDood weed eater

    ernest, ranger told you not to grow in someone else's house because whether or not they have knowledge of the grow has no influence on the court system. the owner is responsible, so by growing in your mom's house you are putting HER at risk.

    also, i deleted your double post. in the future, please make use of the edit button if you need to fix a typo.
  15. fgh

    fgh A Fat Sticky Bud

    wit ma 'pullin' dat plant & da spotz, just hope it didn't get 2 stressed out. if your plant iz veggin- it'z probably gonna survive, but i hope it doesn't turn in2 a boy!
  16. Hicountry2

    Hicountry2 Cured Fat Sticky Bud


    theres no woods here. im from a tropical country and all pot only grows in mountains where its cold.


    Other countries laws differ, but sounds like "Ma" still has her laws...heee he heeee. The tropics are an ultimate growing environment, especially for the long flower sativas.MJ is grown OD from the Himalayas to the equator, no reason you can't too.
  17. ernest

    ernest Germinated

    i think my plant is a boy. i really dont care right now if it is what u guys call a "hermie". all im thinkin right now is makin it grow so me and my friends can smoke it. they still believe that no one in our place can grow a "smokable?" mj plant. so how bout the ferts? any homemade recipes?

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