How soon after can i smoke the oil if done correctly with the butane method? I am also curious about pyrex glass for the bowl when i extract the oil? i know it wont be affected by heat....but i am wondering about the cold temperatures of the butane?
I made oil a bunch of and times and nerver had any issues smoking right after I finished. as for the glass bowl I always used a metal bowl.
I know for me I prefer Pyrex, scraping oil off metal can leave small metal shavings in the oil. You can smoke right after extraction with butane, however I was taught a trick, to heat the oil on a stove at a very very low heat and mix the oil around a bit to remove any residual butane. I just tried the qwiso extraction yesterday, and to be honest I find it much more enjoyable to smoke.
Useing alcohol is qwiso useing butane is bho. the bho is the cleanest oil and far superior to the qwiso. Does not have to sit long before all the butane is out of it smoke on!! Teamster6
danger you either get a flash of butane or a flaming puddle of liquid nice choice. the oregon state police says that those two methods are considered to be the manufacture of a controled substance bubble bags are not F.Y.I.
Same in Cali. You are using a chemical to alter the drug. Therefore its manufacturing of a Schedule 1 substance. Skuff (screened kief), kief and bubble bags dont use a chemical, therefore its no different than cannabis. Now, the question I want the answer to, is what about O2 and CO2 extractions? Its a gas, not a chemical....
I know some fools here locally exploded in their kitchen a few weeks ago. Not only did it cause them a shitton of trouble, I'm sure, but it also made the news and gave a negative mark against mmj and mj related doings . . . They're call it similar to a meth lab and noone wants a meth lab next to them, so some people are going to equate the bho oil extraction method to cooking meth . . . So, if you are going to do the bho method . . . PLEASE read up on what your doing and heed all the safety and caution warnings. Otherwise if something goes wrong it give a HUGE bad image to mj. Please be very careful not only for your sake but for the sake of public opinion towards mj. I do really love the bho oil, but it's too much of a risk, since I've never done it I'm alittle gun-shy. I hope you enjoy your oil. Check out these IDIOTS!,0,6515531.story
I have always done it out back. That way if something goes boom, its outside. Easy to put out, and no fumes will collect and poison me.
Just smoke hash instead. I personally never cared for oil much. Too messy and gross. I prefer some good old hashish. No chemical extraction necessary. I can smoke straight hash from my pipes but smoking straight oil is like smoking speed or something you need a glass dick to do it right. It feels dirty to me.
Then your extractions need some refining. (No offense). Its all about the purge process. :thumbs-up: My Qwiso aka Martian Dust From This To this My BHO "Budder" Hash (my personal favorite and huge hit amongst those that have had the pleasure)) Regular BHO Rock Candy From This To this No glass dick to make you feel like a crack head required.
Omg!!! SWEET JESUS! i'm with teamster, Useless, all the way man! :droooling: :droooling: :droooling: NICE!!! :not-worthy: i can just taste it now! i almost licked my computer if you ever need a "tester" for your product, you know where to pm me! Peace -LM PS- "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Useless again." :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up:
To answer the question, figure about an hour and a half after using butane to being smokeable. Purge the butane with hot water,not boiling, when you are left with a sticky oil in the dish put the pan on a heating pad set on medium for 1 hour.
Chief! Whats happening brother? :beerchug-2: Haven't seen you in a long time. Hope all is well for you. Sent some people your way, and have gotten positive feedback from all, as expected. That BHO tube is still in use. If you still talk to TUG, tell him the Budda Hash is a big hit with patients here in Cali and Colo. Keep in touch dude, dont be a stranger.
that look like something out of a dream Wow cThat looooks gooood! :droooling:Can't wait til I have something to make hash and oil! I tried to make a little bit of hash but didn't have that soft feel to it. I Now know I'm suppose to collect the resinous tips off the buds. ( fresh ) I have only made oil using iso. alcohol ( 99%) and I was using The collected THC from my grinder, small screne, the oil was superb. I told a that I made some and he raced over to sample....Well to make a long story short...I told him it was awesome he said load me i do and he exhaled then BAM- He passed out ,fell back and before anyone could react ( probably cuz we were HIGH ) he hit his head on the counter and was out cold for 2 minutes. Wow I told him it was Kick ass.. but I never would have thought my oil was so good, you could end up in a coma! Well I guess," Be careful what you ask for you just might get it." And he did ask me to make it prior, but i was reluctant because I knew the potency was almost to good.