What's up everyone...long time no talk! I just got a new apartment and I'm prepping for my first grow (2nd overall) here. I'm reading a lot trying to catch up on the basics and anything new...I'll be around.... So I stumbled across this thing called FLUOREX...(it may be a company)...it's supposed to use flourescent technology (flouro bulbs, or something else?) and provide a lot of lumens for low watt-sucking power. Here is one on ebay, and you can search for similar ones if you want: ****, I forgot how to post links...(MOD...help anyone?) here's the URL: [URL="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=42225&item=2392623098&rd=1 So,"]http://cgi.ebay.com/ws....] So,[/URL] anyone know if these would be good to grow with? From what it looks like, it seems like a possility...is this a new thing or old? And I guess I'm mostly referring to the VEGETATIVE stage, but flowering too, if anyone knows... OPINIONS? (Edited by greenthumb420 at 3:17 pm on April 6, 2004)
Hey, I have considered this, and another one like it available at Lowes/Home Depot. When you go into flowering, you might want to get a lower wattage HPS in addition to the floro fixture, or just get a 400w HPS and just use that. If you are growing more than just a small plant or two, you might want to get more than one Florex or similar light. You also have to consider that the intensity of light diminishes after a period of time - another reason to buy additional floros or an HPS.
OTM glad to see you back.To answer your question: They are ok for veg but they're good for about 1 sq foot of veg space. I have 2 in my clone,mom,veg chamber. One for the mom,one for clones and i have a smaller bulb for seedlings.You can find the lamp you showed at any home depot or lowes for $35.00. I really liked them when they had a polished reflector,but now they just make them w/ a white one. Here's a pic of a 1.5 month old mom from clone SWT#4 (Edited by greenthumb420 at 3:15 pm on April 6, 2004)
Are you SURE you can buy them at Lowes or the Home Depot? Let's just say I have insider knowledge of both of those stores and I've never seen a FluoreX there before.... Anyone else have comments? Thanks GT420...nice seein ya around dude.
Uh yeah, i bought both mine from Home De pot.I don't have the original box but it might be under a different name but it's the same light. The ones i have are made by lights of America and are identical. Maybe someone can do a search. I just went to their website and it's under maintenance...key word 500 watt fluoresent.
Damn they're even cheaper here: http://www.efi.org/programs/lipower/lhfixt_06.html. As far as the light sensor.....to bypass it,i just stuck a piece of electrical tape over it. So far it's worked for 6 months.
What's Up People Here is another link about those FluoreX Lights http://www.energyfederation.org/consume....241_480
Damn GT, the fixture AND bulb are almost as cheap as I pay for 1 45W bulb at wally world, and a nice reflector included. question...are those bulbs "self ballisted" or is the ballist in the fixture? and what about this.."Note: Purchasers must be residential customers of Long Island Power Authority to order through this offering. There is a limit of 6 bulbs and 6 fixtures per customer per year, and a limit of one Harmony Lightwiz 4-Bulb Assortment per order (which counts toward the 6 bulb limit). The pricing for all fixtures on this page include LIPA's $15.00 fixture rebate. Product and order status questions should be directed to 800-206-0955." it's posted at the top of that page. Good prices though.
The page with the flourex and bulbs, for 12.50 says only available for LIPA customers, and that they dont profit with any revenue, SO im thinking that we wouldnt be able to buy from there. IF so though, that would rock, but later
Yeah, never read the small print LOL. Yes Hic they are self ballasted, you can actually just buy the bilb if you have a reflctor but it's not for a normal socket.It's inbetween a normal household bulb and a mogul socket.The bulbs are $15.00 a piece.
GT420....how can I tie together the wires from the Fluorex (made to be installed in a light-fixture socket) to a cord that I can plug into the wall?
hey overthemount. r u a electrician? i have toyed with circiuts every now and then. there is a basic way 2 tie wires, just braid them 2gether and get a crip and a CRIMP TOOL 2 tighten your braid. after u do that make sure u get plenty of electrical tape and SEAL the opening shut. if u can, get ahold of some WIRE SPAY. u can spray the stuff on the wire before tapeing it, 2 avoid moisture build up under the tape over time. that will make your tape not get loose fast if there is moisture inside, if so, that becomes dangerous. make sure u hook the wirez up according 2 the manufactures guides 4 the ballast. but a normal braid will do 4 tieing wirez. IMO maybe a professional would tell u 2 strip the plastic off w/ wire strippers, get a bigger gauge wire with a in line fuse (4 safety), braid them and and a plastic CAP (at home depot) and crimp it. looks very professional. u should always have at least a little knowledge of how alternating and direct currents work 2 avoid cookin yourself. i made a mistake 1 time...... burnz like hell. btw, no matter wut u choose 2 do, muke sure u unplug it and wait thrity minutes b4 opening your ballast 2 service it regardless what the instructions say. also make sure u don't have STATIC build-up on your body, or u might get a pretty nice flash! sometimes things can hold CHARGES 4 up 2 twenty minutes...lemme take that back. maybe 30 mins. do not get burned. good luck.
Damn fgh, I am an electrician and that is some pretty good advice you give. I'll see you working at home depot soon eh!