Just harvested one of my blue dream plants from my backyard grow (5 gal buckets). Hung her up in the garage for a few days to dry out and tried a bowl full this afternoon. Just wow, nice shit, left me giggling like a teenage girl. Plant wasn't to big, maybe 30 inches or so when she began to flower. Figure I got about 3 ozs or so. Have 11 more plants to go, some about 5 feet tall now. I should be set for the winter nights.:bong-2:
You fucker. Don't tease us, with Blue Dream no less, without any pics! (Always wanted to try BD.....)
i was gonna say the samething. Unless ur growin some lowrider ur not harvestin shit right now!and on topp of that lowrider dont get to be no 30 inches srry bro but thats bad karma if ur jackin us! PICS bro PICS.
Hahaha. I was AMAZED on Friday when I checked on my remote grow to see my two Mango x G13 Widow was already at least 2 weeks into flower! EARLY plants...
Sounds about right, to me. Two weeks in means six more to go...putting harvest around the mid of Sept. Perfectomundo. Dixie
Toped her when she was about 2 feet tall. She then spread out bigtime and I had like six thick tops. Was running low on smoke and didn't want to buy any so I hauled her into the garage about 5 pm and covered her with a black trashbag. Did that for about six weeks or so giving her about ten hours a day of direct sunlight. Worked very well to say the least. I'm on disability for the rest of my life due to a ladder fall and thats how I got the script to grow here in calif. about lack of pics but I'm doing this to two more now that are quite a bit larger and will try to post some pics of the progress. Happy smoking to all!!:bong-2:
Now that does work and is bein done by a friend of mine, minus the garbage bag. He just sticks her in a pure dark closet with a fan on her. LOL he makes sure he pulls her in at 7pm and she gets put outside exactly at 7am lol. Kinda funny when he first told me but dadadadadammmm does his little 3 ft plant has mini donky dicks on her, should be harvesting her next week i think. Its the bubbleliciouse IDK bro ur kinda in a situation to prove ur self.....
I hope so. Not sure what the Mango x G13 Widow flower period is but regardless, it is not a worry. My Viper Diesel is a different story being a 10+ week strain and flowering hasn't started yet.