plant bitten in half

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by chof, Sep 16, 2010.

  1. chof

    chof Germinating

    if an animal bites your plant in half vertically, will it still grow?
  2. bncooldude13

    bncooldude13 I supply your drug dealer

    Outdoor problems again?

    If the animals bites the stem and does not break it in two halves, then you are fine. :flyy:

    If you snap the plant, it is fine!, :flyy:

    If you break the stem! It will also come back if you tie it down and give it support.:flyy:

    The Marijuana is like a weed :mashed:
  3. chof

    chof Germinating

    so if it is in two parts it will die? the fucker bit the top off
  4. bncooldude13

    bncooldude13 I supply your drug dealer

    Well i got a question.

    Do you have a baby plant or big developed plant?

    Because as long as you have few towers and leaves, you will be fine.

    But if its just a stick in the dirt... Its done.
  5. chof

    chof Germinating

    it had leaves was about a foot high when it got bit
  6. bncooldude13

    bncooldude13 I supply your drug dealer

    So if you got Leaves( foliar), some towers, n good support, it will come back.

    Btw is the plant blubonic or bag seed? You can always move you grow area, the animals might come back.
  7. Chronic Don

    Chronic Don Daddy of RP & GG

    a suggestion from another outsider... go to your local dog groomer get a bag of clippings and spread around your site. as well if you have inside cats take the dirty litter and spread around too. sometimes human piss will work too.

    although my experience is once the plant is 3 wks or older nothing bothers them. I never lost anything once they were up and established. well just to clumsy cows breaking branches off
  8. chof

    chof Germinating

    if i piss on these plants will it stop these fuckers from eating them
  9. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    not on, around. lol And not too close.

    but maybe if you do pee on them directly they wont like the taste :mashed:
  10. chof

    chof Germinating

    hey canna girl you want to see my pic?, how about if i piss on the pots? is that good, you know anything about early misty? my plants are in shock how long do they stay this way?
  11. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    We all love pics :)

    I don't grow outside and when I do it's on my patio safe from everything but my dogs ;)

    I imagine peeing on the pots would be fine, as long as they don't absorb it like terracotta would....dogs hair was a good suggestion also...I have heard of that several times.

    All I know about early misty is Nirvana sells or, or at least did years ago. And my plants start to bounce back when I fuck them up overnight. A weeds a weed!

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