I prefer..... "Fuck you very much!" And... "Smell ya later!" Yup...I'm afraid you is. And no.....I don't want it back...fuck you very much! Smell ya later!
Im reading your intro post and im hearing the rap tunes of "i just dont give a fuck" to GK Hope you enjoy your time here as a 'member',please :F-A-Q: and any problems contact our admin team Thats right folks....the yeti STILL roams the foothills of the forum :eusa_clap: Cheers for taking GK as far as you have Herb:icon_saluteace
Greetings from an old, lost in the woods, GK'er! Glad to see the site is still in good hands! I am still alive and well, but I miss all of you! Don't know when I'll have another opportunity to say hi again. Peace to all!
HOLY SHIT! I hope your journey has been a good one so far, and please find yourself with us again soon! asssit:
Holy fuckin shit!!!! :flipando: Where'd you come from? Well met Snick, we've missed you. Been a few changes.
Good to see you back around Snick! I'd love the chance to see you on the boards again. It's essential that people like you share your experiences so MJ/MMJ growers can benifit from your trials and errors. Please try to make it back to :GK: more often, ALOT of people can use your help . . . Peace and happiness to you and yours. :alienwink:
The infamous Snick makes an appearance. Wish you could stay for a bit. Glad you are well. Peace and Blessings true GK Immortal. :thumbs-up:
AMW.... they seek him here,they seek him there.... Hear hear:eusa_clap: The bulldog returneth:icon_salut: Be safe in what your doing in life snick and theres always a spare seat reserved in mods lounge for ya... its an electric one we use to initiate the new mods in the absence of good old fashioned YETI rape but it works just aswell Good to hear from comrade:icon_salut: FUCK THEM AND THEIR LAWS:gat: 'POOF!' just like that and hes gonefftheair:
lmao... ...we are even on that 'Erb...the not giving a crap part...well maybe some days...but most days, lol...say, I still owe you some garden pics for this year...2011...I'm on it...see ya' round here or at FB...hope your garden is thriving...cheers to ya'!!...blend bro... ...DC...:XXsunsmile::new_scatter: