Drooping plants

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by Stoned420, Nov 29, 2003.

  1. Stoned420

    Stoned420 Germinated

    I have made a little grow box with foil lined in it with a 23watt fluro in it. They was growing just fine, untill I put them in the box. The box has ventilation, and I don't know why the one plant leaves are drooping. When I lined the foil in the box I crushed the foil so it will reflec in a more random pattern. Heres a pic of the box


    And heres a pic of the 1 week old plant.


    If anyone have any ideas plase fill free to post.

  2. Diablo

    Diablo Germinated

    I'm no expert but I know some basics that might be something to think about.

    For one it looks like they are steaching a lot, how old are they?

    Tin Foil is not a good reflector, it makes iregular lighting inwhich makes heat spots. I'd maybe figure a flo would be better than an HPS. But I still think that is your problem, I would rather have it painted all white then have tin-foil.

    The other thing you can get is mylar. Its 98% reflective, but its is very expensive. You can get some here: http://www.insidesun.com/index.p....ubid=41
  3. Diablo

    Diablo Germinated

    Drooping is also a sign of over watering, now that I look at the plant figure it looks like your soil has been swamped with water. You dont need that much water!! The soil has to only be lightly moist. (water maybe once every 2-3 days)depending on the heat of your grow area.
  4. Diablo

    Diablo Germinated

    I think you may want to restart your grow if these dont work.

    I would germanate those seeds and plant them individualy into their own pot because when they get old they need a lot of room for growth. Also the way you have done it it would be required of you to transplant and that puts a lot of stress on the plant. It can even kill it if you do it wrongly.

    well gl.
  5. Stoned420

    Stoned420 Germinated

    The thing is, the plants was doing fine untill I put them in the grow box, and 8 hours later that one plant started to droop.
  6. WhiteSticked420

    WhiteSticked420 Full Flowering

    Take the tinfoil out it will cause heat spots, transplant them into sepret pots and get something better than cardboard because its a fire hazard...wilting is a sign of under or over watering, with under watering the leaves will go limp and with over they will kinda arch down but maintain there stiffness, looks like you just waterd but only a little bit...soak the soil when you water and let it dry out good but not fully dry, you want the top few inches of soil to be fully dry befor watering again, i would suggest reading the FAQs and doing reserch befor starting your grow or else it will be a ruff hard trip and your results will not be what your looking for...
  7. WhiteSticked420

    WhiteSticked420 Full Flowering

    looking again at your pics it looks like your soil is flooded with water, do you have drainage?...also what are your temps? have you ferted? give a bit more info....
  8. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    Get them into seperate containers. This is a MUST.

    You'd be much better off building the box out of wood and painting the inside flat white.

    Keep fluoro's 2" from the top of the plants.

    Utilize these rules of thumb:

    1 plant per sq/ft.

    6000 lumens light per sq/ft.

    Also, imo, the box should be a min. of 4' tall.
  9. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    Dam double posts (sorry).

    (Edited by rangerdanger at 11:37 pm on Nov. 28, 2003)
  10. Stoned420

    Stoned420 Germinated

    Well, I went and removed the foil.


    And then I lined the inside with flat white paper. This should do ok? I don't have money right now to do anything nice. I want to try it first before I go and spend BIG bucks on it.

  11. Quaker

    Quaker New Sprout

    2 things I see worth looking into(not the cause of the drooping tho):

    1)  Your light is too far from your plants. Fluros should be kept like 2 inches from the tops of ur plants for good results. otherwise ur plants will stretch more, and become weak stemmed. U dont want ur plants toppling over w/the weight of ur budz (hopefully ur plants will be very strong and STILL topple over cause of some FAT budz [​IMG])

    2)  In the future, you will need a much higher grow area. The box looks like about 2 feet tall. Either go with a bigger box, or use an advanced grow technique such as sog/scrog to keep them low. Check out the faq in the forum for more info on those methods.

    Cannabis isnt cheap to grow man, I found that out the hard way myself.
  12. Stoned420

    Stoned420 Germinated

    the box is like 2 feet tall. Its a temp thing untill I find a bigger box, or if I can find the money, I will build a box out of wood and put a HPS 400w Light in it. I seen a HPS on ebay for $30 + $25 SH = $55


    Heres the link http://cgi.ebay.com/ws....y=42225

    Maybe next pay I will get it. For now I will be using the fluro.

    I'm not using any fertilizer, I do use O2 inriched water. I was thinking of running down to HomeDepot or Wal-Mart and get some peter 20-20-20 fertilizer or some Miracle Grow if its not to much $$$.

    I would like to build a box for a SOF grow. I was thinking of building a 2 chamber box, each chamber will be 1'x2'x3' for 8 plans 4 per sq ft.

    You think the plants will do ok if I put another fluro in the box. Each fluro is reated at 100W but uses 28w of power.

    You think they will poll through?

    Thanks for the replys,

    -- Stoned --
  13. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    First of all, you can't grow more that 1 plant per container.

    Second of all, your not gonna grow any pot in a box that short

    3rd, 23 watts of light ain't enough to grow buds.

    No offense, but some people think that if they don't have enough money, the laws of biology will change for them.

    Well, it won't.

    Just as a car won't run on urine, your not gonna grow buds in that box.

  14. Stoned420

    Stoned420 Germinated

    If you would have seen in the other post, I said I was going to build a bigger box. This is just to get them started. The way I think about it is, by the time the plants are getting to big for the box, I should have the box built and I will have a plant ready to go into it. :)
  15. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    :alien:Fer the record, my first attempt at Organic Soil...

    ...all 4 momz ended up dying in less than 1.5 months...:sad:

    :sun:They are correct about the Over-Watering part...

    ...but i feel that your Soil is 90% to blame!:shocked:

    :light:From your photo; i can already tell that you didn't use enough Perlite. You should use  inbetween 20%-30% Perlite($3 for a big Bag)...which would help with your Overwatering/Drainage dilemna. You should also place a layer of pebbles inside your pot drainage dish.

    :alien:I hate to admit it...but don't by cheap soil; unless you plan on mixing extra perlite with it(fer proper drainage)...

    P.S.:biglaugh: Nice GrowChamber:biglaugh:

    (Edited by ismoke2much at 8:02 am on Nov. 29, 2003)
  16. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    Get those babies into smaller, seperate pots. You want to gradually increase their pot size following their leaf and root growth. Get them within 2 inches of your fluorescent lights, and let the soil dry out a bit between waterings. Your plants will grow faster and healthier with better light and less water. When you do water, water them fully so that water runs out the bottom of the pot. After it is soaked through the medium leave it in the lights with plenty of ventilation until the top and bottom 3 inches of your soil is bone dry. The leaves will transmit to you what the plant needs, and from your pictures they appear to be in need of more light, better ventilation, less waterings and seperate pots.

    I grow under fluorescent lights. Here are a couple of pictures of what I do to compensate for low-watt lighting:

    *This is a top shot of a Low-Stress Training method. I have done this to create a SOG (Sea of Green) or a horizontal plane for even light dispersal. I have not topped this plant, just bent it over gradually and trained the lower branches to grow larger and fuller--again, NO pinching. This plant is in the veg stage of 24-hour light. This was germinated on October 3rd, making the plant about 2 months old.


    *This is a side view of the same plant. You can see how there is a flat level for the entire plant. This is so I can have the fluorescent lights 1-2 inches from 7 growth tips. This will allow 7 large flowers to grow, where an untrained plant under fluorescent lights would have 1 main flower and 6 smaller ones. I have just adjusted the top, as you can see it points sideways instead of upward...this will change in about 8 hours as the plant bends it's apex upward toward the light. MJ plants are so cool!


    P.S. Do not buy your fertilizer from Walmart or any other corporate store with a 'gardening' section. Go to a gardening store, a locally-owned one if you can. Get yourself some good fertilizer, if you are on a budget as most of us are get an all-in-one fert for veg, and an all-in-one for flower. I use 5-5-5 for veg and 0-5-5 for flower. Two fertilizers at $7 each lasts for 9-10 plants, a small investment for quality herb.

    (Edited by llIndigoll at 10:58 am on Nov. 29, 2003)
  17. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    :sun:great post llIndigoll...u da man!:light:
  18. Stoned420

    Stoned420 Germinated

    Thanks llIndigoll! Thanks for taking the time to make that post. I will be sure to read it a few more times to let it soke in. :)


    -- Stoned420 --
  19. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    I was about to comment the same 2much. Excellent post Indigo. :bigok:

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