
Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by 420nyamouf, Oct 15, 2003.

  1. 420nyamouf

    420nyamouf Developed Alternating Nodes

    a couple of quick questions...will having a fan constantly blowing on my plant help to strengthen its stalk? also, before i jog my plant, would it be a bad idea to add more (2-3") top soil so i dont take the risk of snapping the stem when i bend it over? thanks, 420. :pimp:
  2. WhiteSticked420

    WhiteSticked420 Full Flowering

    You dont want a fan constantly blowing stright on them, it might be to much for them, you want a osilateing fan so they arnt constantly being pushed over(the type of fan that moves)and as for joging i suggest you dont try to JOG all at ones, either slowly wheigh it down or a couple times a day for awhile bend it a little bit to get it flexible.

    (Edited by WhiteSticked420 at 12:30 pm on Oct. 15, 2003)
  3. RatBoy

    RatBoy New Sprout

    WS420 is right ..if you have constant wind on your plant it could get wind burn. osilating is the way to go
  4. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    The plant needs air. It gets air through its leaves and ROOTS. If you cover up your topsoil after the plant has settled you risk suffocating your plant. I've seen it happen.
  5. 420nyamouf

    420nyamouf Developed Alternating Nodes

    lllndgoll, will it suffocate if the dirt comes up to the leaves without covering them?
  6. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    Not necessarily.

    It MIGHT not suffocate the plant to bury it completely, but it will definately not grow as well.

    Basically you want the roots to have access to fresh air, and piling extra layers of soil on top of the already present layers will decrease the plant's air supply (that band sucks). Your plant needs oxygen at the roots.
  7. WhiteSticked420

    WhiteSticked420 Full Flowering

    llIndigoll your wrong, i have seen many people bury there seedlings up to there leaves and be fine. plants get air from three things, a small amount of dissovled oxygen in the water, the under side of there leaves, and just regular air getting to the roots. doesnt matter if they are 2 inches deeper to support the stem more they will still get the same amount of air.

    (Edited by WhiteSticked420 at 2:29 pm on Oct. 16, 2003)
  8. 420solo

    420solo Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    I agree with Indy in the fact that air supply sucks. But adding top soil will not damage your plants. These plants do like air to there roots but that is provided by using a loose soil mix [​IMG]
  9. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    Well, take my botanist class and shove it up your yin yang.

    LMAO. For real I've seen it, my mother-in-law the botanist is who I am quoting, and why should I trust a bunch of stoners anyway?

    Like I said it won't kill your plants, but it may affect their growth in a negative way.

    Loose soil is an exception.

    WhiteSticked420, it's "you're" wrong not "your" wrong.

    (Edited by llIndigoll at 3:46 pm on Oct. 16, 2003)
  10. WhiteSticked420

    WhiteSticked420 Full Flowering

    llIndigoll you dont need to make remarks like that, i have done alot of reserch on airation over time and i believe your wrong, i am alowed to say what i think so no need to act like that.
  11. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    Dude, lighten up. This forum is quickly becomming the hub for misunderstandings, and there are no hard feelings...on my end at least. Learn to laugh at yourself, life is too short to take things so seriously.

    If your study of "airation" is anything like that of aeration then I'm happy for you. As per my statements about a plant suffocating, I'm just quoting professionals and going off my own experience.

    Don't take it personally, as my comments directed toward you were purely for comic relief.
  12. obvious

    obvious Germinated

    well.... if plants die from suffocating of their roots, then why dont they drown from hydroponics??? There's no 'aer' down there [​IMG] Just oxygen in the water...

    And I dont think its anyone's place to disrespect someone else's credibility or opinion beCOZ of a silly spelling mistake. We're only human! Educated people don't mis-spell!!! RIGHT?? It's a phenomenon that only 'slack jawed yokels' come across, and for this, I think we should pick out EVERY spelling mistake and point and laugh... Its only deserving :wave::dunce::lmao:

    Sorry, but I find no need for picking out spelling mistakes

    (Edited by obvious at 3:33 pm on Oct. 19, 2003)
  13. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    That much is obvious ;)

    Point taken.
  14. WhiteSticked420

    WhiteSticked420 Full Flowering

    Obvious, Hydroponics depending on which method in one way or another let the roots breath, with flood tables and systems with timed waterings let the roots dry out some inbetween the waterings letting them breath. In systems like a bubbler the water is chocked with disolved air from airstones in the water.

    llIndigoll i have been here longer than you, i know of the problems on the fourms and alot of them come from little coments that are ment to seem as a joke but arnt. like i said befor i think your wrong i am just saying what i think from expierance and no need for reamarks like that i wasnt trying to offend you just say what i think.
  15. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    No hard feelings on either end then, coolio.
  16. moonymonkey

    moonymonkey Developed Alternating Nodes

    i seen were som peeps plant seedlings planted deeper then they were orginaly growing and had good results and also seen were it didnt do well in som cases,as it made the root grow at a 90 degree angle and plant didnt do well? theres a lot of varables involved go with wat works for yo.its always good to get another opion++...the mocking bird,moon.peace people we all want the same thing....good growing+++
  17. WhiteSticked420

    WhiteSticked420 Full Flowering

    To awnser again after a little reserch i read through some of my botany books and it said some plants cant be buryed such as trees ect. but tomato plants ect. can and consitering i have added extra top soil to many of my plants and seen it done many time i would have to say MJ would be in the class with the tomato plants and can be buryed up to there first leaves without harm.

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