The basic\'s for hydropnics ?

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by Ace74, Oct 11, 2003.

  1. Ace74

    Ace74 Guest

    Well im growing in my addic under tight restrictions, you know i cant let the parents find out.....

    so what are the basics for starting hydropinics what do i need?
  2. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    You want to grow hydro in the attic without having your parents find out? :roll:

    Ok seriously here....don't put your parents at risk for something they know nothing about. Would you want someone putting you at risk of prison time for something you didn't know about? Not cool man.
  3. shamus

    shamus Germinated


    I am so glad that you're not my kid.

    Imagine having a 400HPS "hidden" in the corner? OMG! BUZZZZ.... Open the box, WHAM, ENOUGH LIGHT TO BLOW YOUR MIND!:roll:

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