Searching for Advice and the good old GK mentors! lol

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by GanjaBoBanja, Feb 12, 2011.

  1. Ok, Ive been on this site for a while now. I think '08 was my start. Ive been trying to grow since then but, it's never been a full on go! Now, I happened to lose my father this year (Please no sympathy, Ive come to peace with everything.) Thats the bad news, the great news is I now own my own place!! So you know what that means!! Grow Show time A.S.A.P.!!!! Now what I was thinking is a grow tent, with a 600w MH/HPS system. Now the most Im looking to do is have 4-6 plants at one time, with new seeds every grow.(I'd like to become a Connoisseur lol) Ok, so now that a lil info is out there let me be clear and just ask a few questions about what I need immediately.

    I need everything, so this is where you beautiful, skillful, growers come in!

    Im looking at Grow Tents, which is a good brand or model. Im trying to stray away from ebay, so maybe Secret Jardin, or something along there. Ive been looking at a few, so Im not a complete dunce when it comes to that but, Id enjoy veterans opinions. Im looking at maybe a 4x4 or 4x6 the tallest.

    Now lights, Im looking at HTG's site but, recently ive noticed alot of people are staying away from HTG. So any other shop's or site's would be appreciated. I was also thinking should I go MH for Veg, or I was going to try out a 127w LED, I heard they work awesome for Veg. Still going HPS for grow.

    Now fans and CoolTubes and all that, Im pretty new to this stuff, haven't done a mathmeticians look or thought into it but, Im figuring I need a cool tube for sure, and a 4" inline fan for that and probably an 4" exhaust with scrubber, so any and all info on these would be greatly appreciated.

    Soil, Nutes and Buckets Ive done all my research on(I hope lol), and I already have FF OceanForest, and im also choosing FF Nute line up, if there is a better brand with proven results please inform me.

    I will also probably have you weigh in on seed choices too but, Im going to scavenge first myself lol Im going through the Attitude, ive dealt with them indirectly before and they seem to be awesome and a VAST selection of sticky goodness! Well, thats all for now, I appreciate you taking the time to read this, and any info or knowledge contributed!

    i bow before your mighty knowledge GrowKind Allum!:not-worthy:
  2. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    I like the budbox tents. But most tents work great.

    for a 600w id go for a 4 by 4.

    I cant comment on HGT as im in the UK. In saying that though ive read some bad shit. Ive seen a lot of "holy shit my house nearly burnt down" posts. All due to HGT ballasts melting. I think they make there own. I dont know what makes are available in the US.

    if you're going 600w with a 4 by 4 tent id buy a 600w hps and go start to finish with that. Or build a little space to start your seedlings with 2 or 3 cfl. You should be able to vent that with a 125mm plastice inline ruck fan and filter.

    Id stick a few more than 6 plants in there though ;)
  3. greenthumbwhitethumb

    greenthumbwhitethumb down w the moral majority

    there are actually a few decent stores on eBay, just not HTG.

    I bought tent, lights, fan, and carbon filters through them, and only 2 of the 4 things are worth a shit.

    Both tent zippers busted into the first grow, and the filters, well, didn't filter a whole lot. I haven't had a problem with their lights though, keep fingers crossed.

    check out these guys. I had them tagged for future purchases.....

    You can fit more than 6 in a 4x4 tent for sure, as Skuzz said. I fit 6 in my 3x3, in 5 gal buckets, and there's still a little room to wiggle. If you wanted to someday do a type of hydro though, you'd have the room you'd need in your tent, or if you needed heaters, etc.

    Good choice on Attitude seeds, top notch shit!:thumbs-up: Well loved around here, for sure.


  4. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    When they say 2'x4', '4x'4, etc. it's widthx depth; not height :lmao:
  5. RKinG

    RKinG Full Flowering

    Just bought a 4'9-4'9-6'7 tent from grolab, its pretty awesome and have no complaints. Make sure you pick up a fan and filter to vent your heat bro. Are you getting just one bulb or both HPS and MH? I have a cropmaster and harvestpro for my ballasts. I also use FF nutes. What's your water plan? Don't go droppin big money on seeds for your first grow IMO. I'd say get the basics down until you get it so you aint wastin $. No matter how prepared you think you are, something always new comes up. Trust me, I'm just about done flowering and I curse at my plants at least once a week during this first grow because of some new problem. Just be flexible and GK is a solid place to ask questions. Make sure you breeze through the FAQ's too. PS stay away from HTG!
  6. greenjah

    greenjah A Fat Sticky Bud

    600 watt is a good choice, i bought a digital 600 from htg and have had no problems with it, forgive my spelling i just smoked one while watching pineapple express. anyway HTG sucks, but the greenhous 600 watt digital is a nice price and seems to work good, the hood that comes with it dose suck though. also the led's are nice, i have a 50 watt from htg and it works awsome, only 1 issue with led's, they only shine straight down. you can only put a few plants under them, you would half to buy enough to cover the whole tent and they are expencive. my 50 watt only grows a small plant but it is good for veg and flower, if its a triband not just red or blue.
  7. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    My first tent is coming next wk. I ordered a 2'x4' :)loma:) x 6.5

    I'm going to use my 400, as it's my smallest. I'm going to initially throw the 1000 back in with the 600, but I may make changes.

    I currently use 3 gallon buckets, but ordered some nice BLACK buckets! Alittle bit more than the same at HD, Lowes, etc., but BLACK!

    The widest width (top) is just under 12", so in a 3'x3' you should be able to SUEEZE 9, 5 gallon pots or less. In a 4'x4', 16!

    If you're forced to resot to a tent, (IMO) then you don't need a hugh one.

    For me, a 2'x4' will be a big help. The added height (about 2 1/2') will make a big dif!

    2'x4', 3'x3' is prob as much as you need.
  8. ScottyG420

    ScottyG420 Marijuana Handler

    Hey there bro. Welcome to growing and congrats on your active approach. If you're looking for an air-cooled hood/tube for your 600, I would suggest 6" rather than 4". Just my 2cent.
  9. Thank you guys for all the answers so far and for always making GK a welcomng experience and place! Now, what Im planning on is not dropping crazy money but, money is not a concern over quality. The Secret Jardin tents look real nice and have everything pretty much idiot proof and awesome! But, is there any other supplier of tents and such I should look at before seriously considering the Jardin? i know we got some tent growers on here, Ive done some searching. Everyones grows on here is just amazing though! I've been reading the FAQ I've had 2 co-grows Ive witnessed and helped on.(Family, never friends.) And Ive tried growing once outdoors myself with less than desirable results, so Im not coming in with a big head expecting CRAZY results out of my first indoor especially! So no worry there but, with that said I beleive with the help of GK and all the elite memebers I can get a respectable first grow hopefully.

    As far as seeds, Im not gonna go crazy but, I would like to get the best of whatever I'm searching for. What Im in the market to get is 1 really nice sativa, 1 really strong indica and maybe a hybrid of some sort. My fiance likes the taste more than anything, and she has a love for a super strong Indica kind of high, where you know your just wrecked! I enjoy the more cerebral and daytime/functioning high, so the Sativa will serve this purpous, the hybrid will probably be a toss up of a few ive gotten narrowed down which I will post more on later. I was thinking though, would a good Kush (Bubba, OG, Hindu) give a nice taste and the crazy stone I'm lookin for, or is there a better strain for such. im open to any and all suggestions, I'll probably be looking at some seeds today, so ill post back later with some strains Ive ben thinking of and hopefully some of you have consumed some and can give me some feedback. Also, in place of the hybrid if someone has any suggestion on another nice Sativa I would gladly pursue that option also.

    I appreciate all the help, and I should be makin some moves here soon. Im lookin to purchase the products very soon.

    Until next time my GK peeps! This buds for you!:bong-2:
  10. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    Growing a indica in the same tent as a sativia is going to be a pain in the ARSE! One flowers in 8 weeks the other in 16.

    I love the sativa buzz but tend to look for sativa leaning hybrids.

    Paradise seeds Nebula is a good head buzz and finishes in 8 or 9 weeks. Much easier to grow.
  11. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    Hey GBJ - Ditch the Fox Farms nutes. Use the FloraNova from GH. Works much better. One bottle for veg, one bottle for bloom, easy as pie.
  12. Is there a site I can order from? And is it really better than a full nute line up?
  13. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    I loved the Flora Nova from GH. Great results from a single part nutrient. I used it for about a year in soil and hempy and had great results.
  14. Wow thanks, that seems awesome! I did some research and they also have extra supplements and a spray, it all looks good. I'm going to probably switch to this seeing as its n00b proof (almost lol). And also I found a place to buy these from Discount Hydro, has anyone ordered from here before? If not Amazon I think has it also and they're safe for the most part.
  15. Strains

    Ok, so Ive been searching around for a week or 2 now and I've compiled a list the starins Im looking at getting.

    Barney's Farm - Pineapple Chunk(Slamming indica)

    Barney's Farm - Red Deisel(Hybrid)

    Barney's Farm - Tangerine Dream(Hybrid/Mostly Sativa)

    Dutch Passion - Power Plant(Hybrid/Mostly Sativa)

    Nirvana Seeds - Pure Power Plant(Hybrid)

    Nirvana - White Rhino(Mostly Indica)

    Serious Seeds - White Russian(Mostly Indica)

    White Label - Northern Lights(Indica)

    White Label - White Widow(Mostly Indica)

    I'm not getting all of these but, for sure at least 1 from Barney's Farm. I really like the description and look of their strains, and I've read nothing but good things about them. But anyone with info or just an opinion on which one to get would be awesome!

    I've still been researching tents but, I'm really considering the Jardin.

    Welp, off to do more searching, til' next time GK.:bong-2:
  16. SteelCity Smoker

    SteelCity Smoker To Be Continued

    This site has the best prices on real product. No knockoffs I have been to the main store twice it's nice. If you live near cleveland ohio thats generally where it is but with their pricing unless I have a $1k or better order I just get it shipped. Here's the link...
    GanjaBoBanja likes this.
  17. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    GAnjaB - On the Floranova, use 50% recommended for veg. and use 8 ml per gallon of bloom through the entire flower cycle. Feed 2x, then plain water once, feed 2x, plain water once etc etc. Flush for 3 weeks before harvest.

    This is what I have all new growers use for their first few grows when I teach them or set them up a med room. It is basically fool proof and will get you great results.
    GanjaBoBanja likes this.
  18. hydromorphone

    hydromorphone Excommunicated

    The White Russian is a nice yielding plant with good potency. Not to hard to grow either if your new.
  19. Thats what I heard, so Ill definitely get a White strain then! And the Flora Nova sound great, I'll be placing an order for that soon along with lights and a tent hopefully.:flyy:
  20. I'm looking at lights and cool tubes and fans online. HTG is where most of the fans and lights I'm looking at are from but, I'm staying away from HTG. So does anyone else know of a place where you can get top quality product for a bargain, that's not eBay also lol.

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