Dummies Guide To Growing?

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by Digz, Mar 28, 2003.

  1. Digz

    Digz New Sprout

    I am looking for a good book to buy but don't know what to get. I have bought a few, looked through a few, but have not found anything in the layman's terms that I need. What I need is a real "Dummies Guide To Growing" if you will....something fully illustrated that I can understand. I am also looking for something that has a definite focus on trimming and cultivating. Someone can tell me, "Just cut stem (a) from stem (b) and you can develop more ©." What? I need to know what (a) is and where it is exactly, you know? So, your input please...thanks!
  2. 420solo

    420solo Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    look for the marijuanas growing guide by ed rosenthol. this is the pot growers BIBLE, The high times ready set grow video is very dummy oriented.
  3. kali mist

    kali mist Germinated

    yes sir, if u msg me, I'll email you the Complete Marijuana Grower's Guide by Ed Rosenthal. It won't have the pictures and stuff, but it's still a badass book. It put me into a whole new category of knowledge, although I still lack experience.
  4. RkyMtnWayHigh69

    RkyMtnWayHigh69 2010 NAGC Winner

    Jorge Cervanets, has an "Indoor MJ Horticulture" book, called the Indoor Bible! It is excellent for the beginner, cuz it has alot of info on ferts, lights growroom set-up, and plant problems. There are alot of good books out there, and you can't go wrong with anything from Ed Rosenthal. Also, if you have a growstore near you, they usually carry a free publication, called "Max Yeild". It is released quarterly, I believe. Not that you shouldn't bet a few books, cuz you should, but all the info you need is right here on GK. Use the search feature to find any subject you want! Good luck and happy growin! Peace all!


    THUGLIFE03 New Sprout

    hey cali mist can you E-mail me the growers guide it would be really helpful I would msg you but my comp is a little fucked and some **** doesnt work my E-mail address is thgulife9603@yahoo.com Thanks!! [​IMG]


    I have both books you gentlemen mentioned..And I think the books by Ed Rosenthal is the best..I have it next to my toilet..and I study it everytime I..Well, Ya know..:laugh: CG [​IMG]
  7. ProfessorX

    ProfessorX Germinated

    I think if one did enough research on Growkind they could get all of the growing information they wound need.

    And Ed Rosenthal is purely a cannabis horticultural genius.

    (Edited by ProfessorX at 4:20 am on Mar. 30, 2003)


    That he is:wink:..Iam terribly sorry to hear what that poor man is going through lately.. But, for someone who has fucked with weed for so long, and wrote several books ..He kept the flame burning for a unbelievable long time.. Thats another reason I'm quitting.. "All good things come to an end".. I do not wanna be in his shoes,thats why I'm sizzling out..I wish him the best..He is my role model. CG [​IMG]
  9. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

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