My new Box idea

Discussion in 'Advanced Cultivation' started by gkpro420, Jul 8, 2004.

  1. gkpro420

    gkpro420 New Sprout

    I was wondering, i had two 200 watt flourex flo lights. I want to make a small box in my closet, say 12"x12"x3ft high. I want to use a bathroom fan to exhaust the air out. Arent bathroom exhaust fans very noisey. I plan on putting intake holes in the bottom. So my question is. With this exhaust system, and these lights. Could i say grow one bubbler hydro plant in this area, to full size and flower? If so wut size would i need to flower it at. Thanks.
  2. rodge 420

    rodge 420 Begun Flowering

    I use bathroom exhaust fans in 3 of my boxes
    the 2 stage you can not hear them at all.
    Box in garage 2x3x4 you can hear it a little.
    I use the 50 cfm (5.0 sones)$13 fan from Lowes but will be upgrading to the 110 cfm for $64 and 4.0 sones
    2 200w fluorex lights were did you get them. I thought Light of america highest wattage light was the 125w
    hope that helps
  3. gkpro420

    gkpro420 New Sprout

    I got mine from lowes. Its in the secruity light section. It is a 200watt flo. It gets kinda hot. I will have to put a box fan on it to cool it down. My box wont be a 2 stage. Do you think you can hear a 50cfm bathroom fan in a 1x1x3 ft box. Mainly i want to use this box for veg. Before i put them into my flower box which is 4x4x4 ft. Thanks
  4. rodge 420

    rodge 420 Begun Flowering

    Where is your box at?
    Mine in the garage, you hear a hommmmm
    Not really noticable but no one goes in there but me & family.
  5. gkpro420

    gkpro420 New Sprout

    Mine is going to be in my closet, which is in my room, and it could prolly be heard pretty loud into the living room. I need to find a way to make it sound proof. I want this to be stealth. I was thinkin i could make it 2x2x3. Since i got a lil more room. But im not sure yet. I plan on using bubblers, 5 gallon buckets using grow rocks and rockwool, im going to start my seeds in the rockwool, then put the rockwool into the cup with grow rocks around it. I plan on using well water, since thats all we have. Its a ph of 7 tap. So im going to have to let it sit for 24 hours, and add ph down to it. I dont have a good ph checker, so i might invest in one. Should i run both 200 watt flos in a 2x2x3 ft box or just one. Thanks for finding an intrest in my grow, and thanks for the help. Peace
  6. rodge 420

    rodge 420 Begun Flowering

    I don't think you will be able to hear it in your closet
    My 2 stage is in living room both fans are on, even at night i don't hear anything, I would be more worried about the air pump than your exhasut fan. They say more light is better but then more Heat, IMO I go with one for a couple of days, get you Temps setting, then add the other light if your temps are getting too high , Time to get a bigger fan or remove a light
    Tip on the exhaust fan - if you mount it to the top of the box use some rubber 3/8 fuel line to stop the vibation from the fan, Best way is to cut a sqaure hole at the top if you can, the duck tape the sides to seal off light
    Good Luck
  7. gkpro420

    gkpro420 New Sprout

    thanks rodge, im going to get wood and a exhaust fan soon. My veg setup will be for 2 plants. Ima grow them to alternating nodes, then flower them to find out sex, and take cuttings. Thanks I plan on taking my plants to my 4x4x4ft grow box. It has a 400watt hps in it and a 265cfm fan. Thanks for helping me out. Peace
  8. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur

    i don't see how u could get wood from this conversation :LOL:
  9. gkpro420

    gkpro420 New Sprout

    lol green ur stoned [​IMG]

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