How much superthrive should I order?

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by kali mist, Mar 16, 2003.

  1. kali mist

    kali mist Germinated

    I'm not a first time grower, but I am a first time superthrive and hormonal solution user. I am going to order Super Thrive and this hormonal solution in about 10 minutes, but I have no idea how much I should get. I am looking to stock up for the entire season and I am planting 90 plants, and hopefully with the hormonal solution I'll get 60-70% fem. The site with the hormonal solution sells 120mL bottles of super thrive, so to keep it simple I am going to order from there. How many do you think I will need for this crop?
  2. Budweiser 3

    Budweiser 3 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    it sais on the bottle.....1-drop per gallon====4.0z will do 5,000 gallon's.....that should help ya :biggrin::wink:


    You wont need that much,..After someone smells your 90 plants you wont be anywhere near a store..Maybe A comissary..But, I dought they carry Superthrive in the penetentiary.. Better be careful man:wink:
  4. 67ranchero

    67ranchero Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Kali, maybe you better re-think this. If you start 90 plants and get 60% females, that's 54 plants. You are gonna need about 6kw of lights and about a 600sf grow room. 6kw of light is gonna put out enough heat that you are going to need a couple of tons of A/C to keep the temp down, plus multiple ozone generators to control the stink.
  5. Budweiser 3

    Budweiser 3 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    i think he's talking out-door grow!...not shure though, how bout it "Kali":eyes:
  6. The Tron

    The Tron ONE MAN GANG

    I think the fact that he

    1. stated he is NOT a first time grower

    2. is starting 90 plants and is asking for advice

    3. has know earthly idea of nutrient measurements

    proves he IS indeed, a first time grower :roll:


    the fact that he used the word Hormonal  -  TWICE  - is reason enough to make me quiver  :biglaugh:
  7. kali mist

    kali mist Germinated

    A) I have grown numerous times indoor

    B) It IS outdoor

    C) I have 4 different strains in 4 seperate gardens

    D) **** off?
  8. 420solo

    420solo Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    LOL **** off and comisarry!!! If it is outdoor then you plan on hiking and watering all the time or are there irigation channels?

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